Whats your real name....

Oh, SMEG! You should have just sent "smeg" in the first place and every Brit would have got it (gotten what it meant I mean, not gotten smeggy).

Got smegma?
I never knew what it was called. When I called it that I thought I didn't know that was the actual name, I was just using a word (which I thought was random letters and noting more) that greenfreak told me to use in a sentence...
greenfreak said:

:laugh: Actually, you're close with that description. Here's the official definition:

Keep in mind, fury is the posessor of all cheese. So fury, how bout it? Can you shed some light on this cheesy porridge?
*puke* There are exceptions. You can have all the smegma you want! Royalty free! :beerbang:

i'm gonna regret that, i betcha, kraft'll be making macaroni and smegma boxes by the trillions
I hope I'm not breaking any rules getting back on subject here, :D

my real name is John Scott Cato.
I go by Scott around this part of the neighborhood.;)
And catocom on the net....erum, unless it's an unsavory place,
then it must be somebody else. :D