Whats your ringtone(s)?

I have studied chemical dependency counseling, have experience in the field. Amy Winehouse's lyrics are textbook chronic co-dependency.

read her interview in Rolling Stone. she'll probably never make it to 30.

as far as ringtones, i'm in the "whatever is on the phone" camp
though i just read she and her husband DID go to rehab two days ago.
so she did go, go, go!


Think again....

Drugs are doing this woman wonders don't ya think?


(right = before, left = after)
This is left This is right

get it?

As I said the pic on the right is before and on the left is after.

There was a commercial a few years back that was local to here. The video was shots of an RV dealership, and the audio was completely silent except for one cricket. Then, 28 seconds into the ad, a man says, "Central RV thanks you." Ever so slightly maddening.
So I had a sudden inspiration yesterday and assigned everyone that calls me with any frequency their own individual ringtone.
The kids are off to school & you now have too much time on your hands?