When is the Sight of a Noose Not a Hate-Crime?


Well-Known Member
When it's around the neck of a mannequin dressed to look like Sarah Palin, of course.


West L.A. duo hangs Palin in effigy.

The display includes a mannequin has been outfitted to look like Palin -- with glasses, a beehive wig and a red business suit -- and is hanging from a noose outside a WeHo residence. The display also depicts a devilish John McCain emerging from flames.

"I know if we had done it with Barack Obama, people would've probably thrown things through our windows," display creator Chad Michael Morrisette said. "The image of a hanged black man is a lot more intense than the image of a hanged white woman -- for our country -- in the history of our country."


To paraphrase a woman passerby who said:

"It may be a double standard, but if it was Obama hanging, I'd burn their house down."
Everything they say the right is guilty of they are by far the worse.
I want to know why, if it's White, it can't be a hate crime? (by definition)

I've not heard any 'good' reasons.

We simply can't have different laws for different ethnic groups.
no, its racism. the kind nobody will mention. the kind we better get used to.

really, it ain't. the guy that did it is white. so is palin. if anything it's dumbism. don't try to turn this into some big drama about the plight of the oppressed white guy.
no, its racism. the kind nobody will mention. the kind we better get used to.

When a white guy puts up something like this with a white woman on it how exactly is that racism H2O? Why should we get better used to racism?

"The image of a hanged black man is a lot more intense than the image of a hanged white woman -- for our country -- in the history of our country."

No shit, still I'd say a pretty misguided Halloween display.

When is the Sight of a Noose Not a Hate-Crime?

The sight of a noose is very often not considered a hate crime. However hate crimes are usually based on race, gender, religion etc. This clearly isn't.
It was a guy hanging a woman. Spousal abuse. Antifeminist. Exactly the type of psycho that killed all those poor helpless wimmins at that university in Montreal.
He had a man in the display too. People keep editing it out to make it look for startling for some reason.

I guess it looks to Halloween themed with the whole picture.

looks like we got at least a few people already getting into their halloween costumes as drama queens.

who is going to save THE CHILDREN????
"If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all." - Noam Chomsky.
It looks more like an Obama supporter put up an anti McCain/Palin themed display. :shrug:

An anti McCain/Palin themed Halloween display. Oh noes!

Wonder where he got that idea?

Fairfield City and school district leaders have "condemned" the actions of a Fairfield resident who last week displayed a ghost with Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama's name on it — hanging from a tree by a noose.


Are you just as outraged at this one?
"If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all." - Noam Chomsky.

unless it`s against black, jews, wimmens, indians ... oh, wait ... indians are still ok, unless it`s a sport's team of course.
People express crazy shit about blacks, jews, and women all the time. What are you trying to say?
Are you just as outraged at this one?

To paraphrase a woman passerby who said:

"It may be a double standard, but if it was Obama hanging, I'd burn their house down."

Isn't it all about Halloween and the First Ammendment?


Havens, who lives on Schuyler County Route 15 (Ridge Road) just south of Odessa, this week set up a Halloween display featuring mannequins that look like Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and Republican rival John McCain.

But the Obama figure looks like he is running, and the McCain likeness is dressed in the hooded robe of the Ku Klux Klan and is carrying a baseball bat.