When offended parties clash


Southern Discomfort
Government Knows What's Best for Your Kids

Muslim children attending public schools in Toronto are being forced to watch videos promoting tolerance of homosexuality even though their parents object, reports the Canadian Press service.

The controversy erupted after students at Market Lane Public School in Toronto were shown videos as part of what the local school board calls “anti-homophobia education.”

Angry Muslim parents complained about the curriculum, however, saying their religious beliefs were getting less respect from the board than gay rights and demanded that their children be excluded on religious grounds from similar presentations in the future.

The board rejected their request on the grounds that allowing some students to be excluded from discussions about gay families would violate the rights of those children with same-sex parents.

''I don't think there's any harm done to parents who find their children exposed to ideas that are different than the ones they teach at home,'' Education Minister Gerard Kennedy said.


Let me repeat one little part of that, in case anyone missed it...

''I don't think there's any harm done to parents who find their children exposed to ideas that are different than the ones they teach at home,'' Education Minister Gerard Kennedy said.

Oh, really? Then let me pull up a chair next time y'all decide to have story-time and tell y'all all about the story of creation. Let me tell y'all all about the invasion of a territory by another territory, and how to this day the misguided stereotypes are thicker'n ticks on a dog's back. Let me have a moment of classtime to expound upon the Biblical gender roles. Why don't we schedule a show and tell that is focused on how heterosexuality is the only option to maintain propogation of the species.

This guy would jump through his own asshole if someone tried to present a non-PC agenda at one of his schools. Even if that agenda was different than what the children hear at home. And that, ladies and gentlemen, starkly defines a hypocrite. Do unto others but in no manner shall they do unto you.

Worthless piece of chickenspit spineless crap. What a waste of internal organs.
''I don't think there's any harm done to parents who find their children exposed to ideas that are different than the ones they teach at home,'' Education Minister Gerard Kennedy said.
Easy there...we don't want a war here...

1. If this 'person' has allowed anti-homophobia to be taught to muslim children, can't he be forced to teach Islam in that school? How about Catholicism? Judaism? Christianity in general? How about Buddhism, Taoism, Daoism, Shinto, Wiccan, and Paganism of every type? SHouldn't he also be forced to teach Satanism?
So anything is fair game now, because the little darlings may not hear it at home?

"Good morning, children. Today's guest speaker is a very famous man, and he has some ideas you may not hear at home. Please welcome...Charles Manson."
''I don't think there's any harm done to parents who find their children exposed to ideas that are different than the ones they teach at home,'' Education Minister Gerard Kennedy said.
You know, they're going to get exposed to these ideas sooner or later. I'd rather they were exposed sooner so I could explain to them why I agree or disagree.:shrug:
I wasn't aware that Homosexuality was a religion.

Noone thinks that only allowing your children one narrow view of the world and only supporting information that propogates it is disserving them immensely?
Leslie said:
I wasn't aware that Homosexuality was a religion.

Never said it was.

Leslie said:
Noone thinks that only allowing your children one narrow view of the world and only supporting information that propogates it is disserving them immensely?

Never said that either. In a nutshell...if your child is exposed to ideas you do not agree with, shouldn't other children, such as those who profess to be the ones not tolerated, be exposed to ideas that their parents find offensive? Quid pro quo... ;)
Never said it was...you've drawn a really asinine parallel in that case.
and your second response, wtf are you talking about?
Sure, they're already exposed. Ever watch TV? Will And Grace?

School is for education along academic lines. Kids do pick up important social skills along the way. But the minute my tax dollars start funding horse hockey like this, I'll yank 'em out and find another school. These kids can't add and subtract for the love of Galileo, and now the school is gonna teach 'em how to tolerate homosexuals?

I totally agree that the morals should be taught at home. Which is why I am against this shit being there in the first place. I personally have zero problem with homosexuals, have had many homosexual friends in fact. So long as they keep their hands off me. But kids think that what is taught at school is automatically correct. Why do they think this? We tell them it is!

Give me a teacher concerned with teaching my kids about Washington and Lincoln, not Adam and Steve.
Leslie said:
Never said it was...you've drawn a really asinine parallel in that case.
maybe, but it's still a parallel. Muslims find homosexuality offensive...:shrug:

Leslie said:
and your second response, wtf are you talking about?

Let's put it this way...My daughters and I, and quite a bit of the local populace, are offended by snakes, and you and your sons are offended by meat. Our school decides to have a snake day, and I tell the principal that I don't want my daughters to participate because I, my children, and most of the neighborhood, find snakes offensive. The principal says "too bad". Since you, and your sons, have no problem with snakes, and, according to you and a few other families, the anti-snake hysteria must stop, you proceed to 'teach our kids' the beauty of being a snake-person, and how you are no different, deep down, from anybody else.
Later that school year, growing tired of soybeans and soy by-products in the school cafeteria courtesy of our local Vegans, I decide to have a 'meat' day in the school cafeteria...What do you think the reaction of the local Vegan population would be...especially if they had no choice than to have their children attend?
feeding my kids something I don't want them fed is a mite different than teaching them about an idea I don't agree with/don't want them taught.

If I don't let my kids be exposed to an idea cause I don't like it I'm an asshole.
Leslie said:
feeding my kids something I don't want them fed is a mite different than teaching them about an idea I don't agree with/don't want them taught.

If I don't let my kids be exposed to an idea cause I don't like it I'm an asshole.

Nope. Same thing, Leslie. Whether you agree with it, or not, it's exactly the same thing. Are your children hurt by eating meat, allergies not-with-standing? Nope. No more than my children are hurt being forced to handle a snake. If you don't want your children exposed to an idea because you don't like it does not make you an asshole. It makes you a parent.
Yes, Gato, I do think they (everyone is) are hurt by eating meat, and teaching my kids only my view of the world is being an asshole.
I'm an atheist. I firmly disbelieve.

I sent my children to Sunday School. Not one of my heritage btw. They deserve to have the information and the option.

After a few weeks, child #1 told me it was a crock, none of it made any sense, and he wasn't going anymore. Child #2 said it was boring, it was a waste of his free time, and he wasn't going anymore. Child #3 loves it, firmly believes, and happily totes his new bible around with him. All are valid. They can learn, and they can choose to believe or disbelieve whatever they want.
Leslie said:
If I don't let my kids be exposed to an idea cause I don't like it I'm an asshole.

I understand.

They are already exposed to the concept. Whether I like it or not, agree with the lifestyle or not, they have been exposed to it. Exposure is not my beef.

Having an authority figure such as a teacher or principal of your school mandate that you attend this, be respectful, etc (which we all remember being in school, we all know what was said before assemblies..) makes a stronger impression on a kid. Kids trust their teachers. If the teacher says something is OK, 99% of the kids will think it really is OK.

My step-daughter is free to form her own opinions on things. When she comes to us with the tough issues, as she does from time to time, we try to present both sides. Or all 17 sides, or whatever. We also make our own felings on it clear. Mine and my wife's opinions do not always match up. This provides further reinforcement that there sometimes is no clear right or wrong. My only request of the kid is that when she forms an opinion on something...anything...be able to say why you feel that way in an intelligent manner. I don't have to agree with her opinion. So long as she can reasonably (for her age) dictate why she feels that way, I'm OK with it and proud of her for the effort. In fact, she took a greater interest in the recent election than either of us did. We both knew how we were going to vote, but this kid avidly watched the conventions, the speeches, everything. She came to us and made the following comment (or very close):

"Hey, you guys...why did the Democrats let someone who is so obviously a complete idiot be their president?"

Hugs and hand pounds ensued. :D

My point is this. Exposure is fine. I just don't think this is the best way to provide it due to the authoritarian role teachers and principals play in a child's existence. No more, no less.
I guess it all depends on whether your children know that they are allowed to question the information they're given. :shrug: That's the most important lesson of all.
Leslie said:
Yes, Gato, I do think they (everyone is) are hurt by eating meat, and teaching my kids only my view of the world is being an asshole.

1. Question (that we already know the answer to)...Do you love your children? (I know it's yes, just bear with me for a second)
2. Question (we already know this, as well)...Do you want what is best for them?
3. Even though you know, for a fact, you don't have all the answers, do you really want somebody else to come by and tell you that some of the things you're teaching your children is wrong? What gives them the right? Whether they are correct in their assessment, or not...
That happens every day. And I strongly feel that this is far better for them than them being kept with an insular onesided view of the world and the people in it.

I suppose one could label ^ as bringing kids up liberal.