When offended parties clash

MrBishop said:
''I don't think there's any harm done to parents who find their children exposed to ideas that are different than the ones they teach at home,'' Education Minister Gerard Kennedy said.

That is the only way that ony child will be allowed to make any informed decision on any matter...Show them all sides of the issue and hope that they've got enough of a brain to decide which is the better of the two or three or 17 sides. :)

I find this argument similar to that of parents who want to remove sex-ed from schools entirely, because they think that talking about it makes the kids suddenly get all libidinous and start fucking everyone in sight.

Knowledge is and always shall be stronger than ignorance. The parents want to keep their kids ignorant that there is another side to the issue of homosexuality than they have, and got from their parents and their grandparents etc... that's wrong.

Its just as wrong as a Born again Christian refusing to have their child taught anything that goes against Creationism...including physics (because it talks about the earth not being flat and it being older than 7000 years old), or chemistry (which might show their kids that apes and man have similar bloodtypes) etc...

Actually, Bish, I don't. Morality is something you teach at home...and that includes sexual education. Looking at all sides of an argument is fine, if you happen to be an adult, but we aren't talking about adults. Teaching tolerance is okay (treat others how you, yourself, would like to be treated), but teaching specific tolerance is not. You're asking a pre-teen to make a totally rational, and adult, decision that most aren't equipped emotionally to make. Hard to explain, but those are the words I think fit my thoughts best.
Gato_Solo said:
Easy there...we don't want a war here...

1. If this 'person' has allowed anti-homophobia to be taught to muslim children, can't he be forced to teach Islam in that school? How about Catholicism? Judaism? Christianity in general? How about Buddhism, Taoism, Daoism, Shinto, Wiccan, and Paganism of every type? SHouldn't he also be forced to teach Satanism?

I would say yes. But for the Satanism are you referring to the Anton LaVeyan sense or the worship of the devil?
freako104 said:
I would say yes. But for the Satanism are you referring to the Anton LaVeyan sense or the worship of the devil?

I'm talking all forms of every sexual habit, every religion, every non-religion, every subject. For my best argument, take a look at my 'snake' analogy...this one didn't work out as well... :lloyd:
Even I can't be liberal enough to condone the actions of the Canadian government in this instance. While I believe that homophobia should be educated out of society somehow, I can't condone it being taught in school without condoning that religeon should be taught in school.
Man, you aren't sick. You may feel this way for awhile. Your body is finally rejecting the liberal poison ;)
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]It’s a sensitive issue that balances the rights of one group against another. And it’s unfolding in your schools.

A group of Muslim parents at Market Lane Public School on the Esplanade want their children to get up and leave class, as soon as the issue of same sex families comes up.

“I don't want my son to grow up believing a man can marry a man,” reasons Sawsan Agha. “I like to be the one who explain it to him.”

The Toronto District School Board introduced the topic in some of the younger grades, not as a means to teach about homosexuality, but simply to discourage prejudice. But for some parents, it equates to the same thing, and they don’t want their kids exposed to it.

They’re complaining about a video that depicts children of same sex families talking about how hurtful insensitive comments can be. It’s called “Sticks and Stones”, and is geared towards children between grades 3 and 7.

The Board voted on Tuesday night not to allow the children to leave, pointing out it wouldn’t make much sense to let students walk out during a lesson on tolerance, and it would violate the rights of the very kids the program is designed to protect.

Premier Dalton McGuinty agrees it’s a sensitive issue, but thinks the results are worth the controversy.

“What kind of society do we want to live in? What kind of society are we trying to build?” he asks. “I think the kind of society that we should all aspire to is one where we respect each other's differences. I think that's fundamentally what this is all about, and I think our children should be taught to respect the differences that … we manifest.”

Education Minister Gerard Kennedy agrees, noting, there’s no “harm done to parents who find their children exposed to ideas that are different than the ones they teach at home." But he admits it's the moms and dads who have the ultimate right to decide whether their kids stay in class or not.

To see unedited video of Kennedy, click here.
The only thing that matters is
“I don't want my son to grow up believing a man can marry a man,”

Here, lemme splain it anudder way.

When I become Lord High Supreme Ruler of the Universe, I will decide what's good for your kids & you can't stop me.
In 'this' case, it seems that isn't about that at all. It is about mocking other kids. :shrug:
Kids from loving hetero married one mom & one dad homes get their feelings hurt too. Kids are cruel. Life goes on & they must learn to deal.
Gato_Solo said:
I'm talking all forms of every sexual habit, every religion, every non-religion, every subject. For my best argument, take a look at my 'snake' analogy...this one didn't work out as well... :lloyd:

while I like the idea of teaching these things in the sense of learning and trying to get others to get over their prejudices, I dont think it would work as you said
markjs said:
I believe that homophobia should be educated out of society.

and just how would you go about this?
In a setting reminiscent of the 60’s era communist Chinese reeducation camps
perhaps the 70’s reeducation camps of the pol pot regime?

Parents while you still can place, your Kindergarten through High School
children in private schools of your choice. Two funny things I noticed about
private school: they are a business therefore they care about their product
(your child’s education) they loved my Kid because they knew he’d score
very high on the important tests therefore raising the school's score.
Also if a kid is a problem he’s GONE!
markjs said:
Even I can't be liberal enough to condone the actions of the Canadian government in this instance. While I believe that homophobia should be educated out of society somehow, I can't condone it being taught in school without condoning that religeon should be taught in school.

How about neither being taught at school? How about parents teaching that to their kids, and the gov't paid teachers sticking to teaching kids to write and add?
That's what I said. But if kids do organized cruel acts against other kids then you have to deal with it.