Out-freaking-standing OTC member
MrBishop said:''I don't think there's any harm done to parents who find their children exposed to ideas that are different than the ones they teach at home,'' Education Minister Gerard Kennedy said.
That is the only way that ony child will be allowed to make any informed decision on any matter...Show them all sides of the issue and hope that they've got enough of a brain to decide which is the better of the two or three or 17 sides.
I find this argument similar to that of parents who want to remove sex-ed from schools entirely, because they think that talking about it makes the kids suddenly get all libidinous and start fucking everyone in sight.
Knowledge is and always shall be stronger than ignorance. The parents want to keep their kids ignorant that there is another side to the issue of homosexuality than they have, and got from their parents and their grandparents etc... that's wrong.
Its just as wrong as a Born again Christian refusing to have their child taught anything that goes against Creationism...including physics (because it talks about the earth not being flat and it being older than 7000 years old), or chemistry (which might show their kids that apes and man have similar bloodtypes) etc...
Actually, Bish, I don't. Morality is something you teach at home...and that includes sexual education. Looking at all sides of an argument is fine, if you happen to be an adult, but we aren't talking about adults. Teaching tolerance is okay (treat others how you, yourself, would like to be treated), but teaching specific tolerance is not. You're asking a pre-teen to make a totally rational, and adult, decision that most aren't equipped emotionally to make. Hard to explain, but those are the words I think fit my thoughts best.