When the hell...


molṑn labé
Staff member
did FONDLING become inappropriate touching?

What? we don't want to hurt the pedophiles feelings?:grumpy:
With respect to the law, "inappropriate touching" is more inclusive than "fondling". It removes a defense of "definition" and therefore makes it easier to prosecute.
You're most likely right Sqiggy but it's still lessening the value of words & their true meaning.

Baby fucker bacame pedophile-they have feelings too (all in their pecker)

Date rape-either it is or it ain't

Some are trying to make pedophilia Man-boy love

War has become military action

We're softening our language so it doesn't mean what it's supposed to mean anymore. It's late & I'm tired or I'd have a whole page of examples.

All I ask is to leave the friggin' language alone!
He is jealous that you could reach climax in one try while he couldn't even do it in two tries. Send him a box of the blue pills. :cool:
Uh oh. I better go buy some duct tape and plastic wrap quick. How late is Wal-mart open again?
How can you NOT HAVE DUCT TAPE in stock!?!!?!!!! I always have lots of duct tape at hand in case I need it for stuff.