Where are you when you're not here...


Well-Known Member
or, not at home or work.

Which IRL places to you haunt?

I tend to go to bookstores and browse for books that I can't afford. I can also be found in certain coffee-houses, sometimes playing chess.

The rest of the time, I'm at a park with my son...watching him dilligently try and break his little neck.
I go to friends houses quite often and I'm in a band. I also do about 5-7 miles of treadmill work and 2 hours in the gym when I feel so inclined.
I like to go to bookstores and search for good books. I also people watch at the mall quite frequently. There is a swamp here that is pretty interesting (for walking and semi-exhibitionist sexual activity). I also love to go the movies. It almost sounds sad, most of my time away from work and home involves shopping (window or actual), sex, or movies. Although, I do the shopping and movies with friends whenever possible (and all three quite frequently with AE), so that makes it fun and worthwhile.... :D
you guys ever notice the little old man with the greying hair and slouched back sitting mumbling to himself at the mall? well thats me.
The nursery of course, constanly. I have to find reasons to go there but I usually have a few lined up. Border's bookstore, the movies, the beach/boardwalk, there's a creperie down the block we like to eat at and hang out in, my family's houses... Occasionally I go to botanical gardens, take trips into Manhattan to see a show or go to a museum. Next weekend we're going in to go to Central Park and take pictures of all the fall foliage, eat at Mercer Kitchen, maybe go to the Guggenheim museum.
At some LAN, a party, friend's house, out shopping for computer parts or clothes... Ki-Aikido practice... Or just out walking.
art galleries, museums, restaurants, concerts, or hiking/x-country skiing in a nearby state park or forest

you will never find me in a shopping mall :D
If I ain't been on here for 12-48 hours then I've prolly legged it up to Scotland to see the gf..............always good for a bit of stress relief :)

Mornings are my most active time.....that's when I'll be doing me groceryshopping, restoring my old car, catching up on any busineess, doing my uni work etc. I like my mornings to be alone, I'm not very sociable if I'm tired or hungover.

Afternoons I give my neighbour a lift down to the school to pick her kids up. If it's fair weather we take 'em to the local playpark, or the wildlife park........5 days outa 7 I eat tea with them at her place, hang out there a coupla hours....it's a very open house so on a typical day, this is where I socialise :swing:

My normal routine for evenings used to be to take a stroll down to the pub, but this is getting rarer these days......most evenings I'm pretty much happy in the house :)

If I do find myself gettin' cabin fever at home........I grab backpack, jump in the car and head out over to cumbria......only returning when I'm either skint, or the weather has turned bad :swing:
the library(where i do all my posting as my dorm lost net access tho my aim works fine)

also i am usually in the student lounge,my dorm, or class. at home i am usually in my room and the comp is upstairs but my room is downstairs. or im out with fam/friends
samcurry said:
you guys ever notice the little old man with the greying hair and slouched back sitting mumbling to himself at the mall? well thats me.

or the guy who is phoning chicks from other countries whom you've never met :lloyd:
Leslie said:
or the guy who is phoning chicks from other countries whom you've never met :lloyd:
Such a title would apply to me as well .. which reminds me. I don't have your vitals anymore. The 6 month hiatus caused a great deal of basal info on everyone I knew to go *poof*
lol not quite the same...the sammy call was a fun out of the blue guess who this is surprise :D

I guess it's time to compose up an email when i'm not so godawful exhausted.
Playing some games, working on projects (Pepsi tournament starts this Saturday in league, that'll occupy a lot of time way through February and March). I never go to a mall, my brother spends enough of my money there, I don't need to blow the rest of it there. :D
I spent a lot of time "here" (but not at OTC), if i'm not working doing something in the puter then that's because i'm at school, or i'm with my girlfriend, in which case i'd be in her house or in a bar :D
Work or School. I'm on campus anywhere from 7 to 14 hours a day (I hate night classes), half the time at work and the rest in class. Weekends are spent at my other job (Best Buy). Usually 8 hours a day there. If I'm not at either of those places, I'm either on the road going to/from there or I'm at my friends' new house.

I'm rarely found in a mall or any retail environment (as a customer). When you finally get free at 10pm, hardly anything is open. :lloyd: I've been buying more and more online for that reason.
Leslie said:
lol not quite the same...the sammy call was a fun out of the blue guess who this is surprise :D

I guess it's time to compose up an email when i'm not so godawful exhausted.
Be sure to include piccys and diagrams. A nicely displayed wheel graph always makes my nipples hard.
Most weekends I spend with my best friend. Whate we get up to varies from time to time - we're not very organised and hardly ever plan anything. We'll decide on a whim what we want to do (a while ago we got sloshed at a pub on the Friday night & decided we wanted to drive down to the coast....got home, packed a tent, some red wine, cigarettes and a toothbrush, found ourselves at the seaside the next afternoon with no clothes & no place to stay and neither of us have a clue how to pitch a tent. Ended up in a cheap little B&B until the Monday).

Or we go shopping.....for hours & hours, can never find exactly what you want at only one shop in only an hour - you need at least 6 hours.

At the salon having my hair or nails done - again for us a trip to the salon could last anything between 5 & 7 hours.

When I'm not away I spend weekends with the family doing Sunday lunches, spending time with my sister's baby, going to watch my brother do athletics or play rugby or cricket.

Or I'll go to the mine & do some abseiling down the shafts - haven't done that in a very long time though. When the weather's good we go the the dam to ski or we go out to the flea markets do a picnic, whatever gets me out of the house.
I'm only here when I'm at work. Free time is spent working on the house (had to replace the element in my water heater last Saturday), riding around my property on my tractor playing gentleman farmer (Precious thinks my tractor is sexy! :rolleyes: ) or hanging out on the boat.

Or . . .

cane pole fishing on the creek bank
watching movies
chasing Precious around the yard in my underwear
washing my truck
playing with the dogs
sitting at the bar at my neighbor's house

etc etc
Mirlyn said:
When you finally get free at 10pm, hardly anything is open. :lloyd: I've been buying more and more online for that reason.

That's what I don't like about traveling outside of NY or major cities. When I was traveling for work, we would work pretty late sometimes and if the hotel didn't have room service for some reason, we were screwed.