Where are you when you're not here...

hmmm I have moved aswell Unc :p neeener

If I am not here I am prolly in class, sitting at school waiting for my next class to start, gone to Brampton for the weekend, or occasionally just outside going no wher ein particular, taking a break from studying
Sodding Milan :crying4:

Squash court, bars/pubs, friend's houses, solicitor (almost finished buying an apartment now..)
if i'm not home or at work, i'll more than likely be walking the dog or just driving around aimlessly. when Diana and I have the same days off, we usually end up at the movies, going out to dinner or giving the indians a chunk of our money.
At times I can be found just surfing anything of interest, whether it be music sites, jokes, games anything like that. otherwise, I can be found out with friends, and dance classes (ukrainian folk), with family or shopping.
If I'm not here, at home or at work, I am:

at the mall
at a club/bar
in a bookstore
music store
out at a resturant
friend's house
fixing a problem at work (yes, I go in off the clock to help the new employees ocxasionally)
watching a movie at a theatre
at a concert
walking my dogs
at the gym
at the library

gee...I have more of a life than I thought....
Hmmm...Fishing, or working on my Audi, which always seems to cause me problems when my cash-flow is on the ebbing portion. :shrug:
MrBishop said:
Which IRL places to you haunt?
Oooer... hmmm... lemme think... so IRL I tend to spend a great deal of my time at University... which is a whole big pile of "fun" :p

Or I'm at home, generally wasting time :p

As for the occasional free time I have... I spend it with my dear BF :) Else I go for odd walks all over the place (generally with him, he's a walk-a-holic).

Else I'm chilling with family.

Or on the rare-occasion, I spend time with my friends if we have our schedules free.

ERM... damn, I'm trying to think of specific places, but the only things I can come up with is like the Library, Movie Theaters, or random shops :)

I live a very boring life :p
Hmm, I am either in my dorm or at the frat house. Usually school, night classes which are so much fun :saracism:

When I go home for the weekend, I find myself at my parents restaurant or at a friends.
Vortex said:
Oooer... hmmm... lemme think... so IRL I tend to spend a great deal of my time at University... which is a whole big pile of "fun" :p

Oh but the varsity is fun.......especially when you go onto C-Lab roof at night to.....ahem.........(smoking a bong is optional) ;)

And plenty to be done in the hills where you live :brow:
AlphaTroll said:
Oh but the varsity is fun.......especially when you go onto C-Lab roof at night to.....ahem.........(smoking a bong is optional) ;)
Teehee, actually, if you go to the roof of the library, there's a better view :p *cough* not that I would know of course :p

And plenty to be done in the hills where you live :brow:
:lol: *whistles innocently*
Ever been to the roof of one of those two 'pie in the sky' ladies resses? Now there's a view.....I lived on the 16th floor of one.......thank the gods for balconies ;)

Teehee - 'em damned hills are a bitch trying to get down from when you've had more than your fair share :D
Trying to get into the girl resses when you're not a res, is near impossible. Interesting enough, I've been able to toddle through the guy's res without ANY problems :) Shows you the different security they have :)
Yeah the men's resses are always easier to get in to. Mind you, it's a good thing that access to the ladies' resses are restricted - we had some bad incidents when I was there. Not like rape or anything, just vandalism and the likes. And some really unsavoury characters hanging around there - especially over weekends.

Ah, how I miss the old days of having no worries now!