Where to begin...

Hmmm....how much marble work is there up there??
...bet they wouldn't like a stepmom with a hardhat and a three pound sledge. :evilgrin:
Shadowfax said:
is it that uncommon in the us that people over 20 yrs stay with their parent? most people here do at least until 22 ~ 23....

Here in Hawai'i, majority of the people here usually live at home with their parents, lest they go away to school or get married. I'm 25 and still at home with my parents too. I've graduated h.s. and college. I pay for the bills too. Help out with whatever I can. Personally speaking, my parents rather us be home with them than off on our own, not knowing if we're eating or not, direct quote from the father might I add. Its not unusual here to see people as "young" as 40 still living at home witht their parents. Or for some people, like my brother, has moved his family in with us as well. :shrug:

Well, Squiq, better get crackin' before they get back!
halamikage said:
Its not unusual here to see people as "young" as 40 still living at home witht their parents. Or for some people, like my brother, has moved his family in with us as well. :shrug:

Well, Squiq, better get crackin' before they get back!

Hey Squig,I think shes offering to let you move in too :grinyes:


Well they got home 5 minutes ago and already the oldest is slamming doors, throwing shit and giving me a hard time....Let the fucking fun begin....
After arguing well past daybreak, I got a feeble apology....Things are quiet but tense, now...BTW Gato, good call on the bat. I have a massive Ted Williams slugger next to my bed. Damn he swung a huge bat.
Sounds like they're testing your limits and you might have to get tough with them. Can you get tough Squiggs? You seem too much of a sweetheart to get tough. :)
They aren't taking over again....And I'm not carrying them any farther than the roof over their head.... :devious:
:hmm: I think if you went to the post office tomorrow and grabbed a couple of change of address cards, filled out the old address section and left them on the kitchen table...that would be a good start.
Giving them the weekend and then its a Family sitdown....They ain't gonna like the new rules but such is life....
Stand up to him, the younger will take example from him and the best way to teach respect is to lay the law down and be firm. I never got that, always got my way (being an only child probably helped alot) and now its up to me to lay the law down on my own self.
:trippin: excellent advice...and I'd slap another good karma on you for it, but I'm over extended ...you'll have to wait till tomorrow. :D

Hey....could you check into upping my karma limit?:worm:
The oldest has pressed it to the point where I have trouble summoning my fatherly affection for him...And that is all that keeps me from hating him purely...and completely.
Giving him the boot would be the kindest thing you could do for him....otherwise this is gonna end up killing you and the little butthead won't have a clue how to survive in this world.