Where's the outrage? The indignation?


molṑn labé
Staff member
Chinese caught trying to bug Israeli embassy

Special to World Tribune.com EAST-ASIA-INTEL.COM
Sunday, January 4, 2004

A security officer in the Israeli Embassy in Beijing caught a group of Chinese technicians last month attempting to plant electronic eavesdropping devices in the embassy's telephone lines.

The officer spotted the technicians near a telephone switch box on the street near the embassy, according to the Ma'ariv newspaper.

The Chinese told the Israeli guard that they were from the Chinese Foreign Ministry information security department. The officer then asked the technicians to undo the work and leave.

The Chinese are known to conduct aggressive electronic eavesdropping operations on all foreign facilities in China.

This was not the first time the Chinese had tried to plant eavesdropping devices on telephone lines, which are used for encrypted communications as well as for open telephone calls.
Outrage? Indignation?

This is what embassies are for and incidentally why undercover spies never do anything at the embassy. :shrug:
Agreed, that's what embassies are for. It's the nature of the beast. Anyone remember the embassy the USSR built for the US about 10 or 12 years back that was completely bugged? The truth is that the entire embassy worked as one huge microphone. There was nowhere in the facility where you could excape and to this day American intelligence sources still aren't entirely sure exactly how it worked.
Squiggy said:
We don't do those dastardly deeds. :p Right Gonz?

We don't have to. We intercept phone transmissions from outside the embassy. We can also aim lasers at windows and get voice from that, too. Not to mention that almost 99% of satellite communication can be intercepted as well, the only reason we need to go into an embassy to put in bugs is if they only speak in the loo. ;)
I see...So dollars spent on technology makes the same act ok and legitimate...Interesting....:tardbang:
Of course it's okay & legit. It's just really really stupid to get caught.
Only if you're a country that Gonz doesn't like...We've caught Israeli spys in the US. Where was your outrage then? :eh:
Squiggy said:
I see...So dollars spent on technology makes the same act ok and legitimate...Interesting....:tardbang:

Ummm...exactly where did I condone espionage in my post. I stated fact, not opinion, even though I used a 'smilie'.
Squiggy said:
I see...So dollars spent on technology makes the same act ok and legitimate...Interesting....:tardbang:

Sure it's legitimate. It's expected. I promise you that everyone everywhere in any government foriegn service is considered a spy (and thus fair game to be spied upon) in any country in which they serve. Obviously these chinese guys were rank amateurs. An embassy gives the amateurs a relatively easy way to spy. The information won't be very good, but hey, they're amateurs anyway.
Gato_Solo said:
Ummm...exactly where did I condone espionage in my post. I stated fact, not opinion, even though I used a 'smilie'.

I believe your post was designed to exempt us from the dirty deed category with the words "We don't have to..." I didn't realize a smilie protected the author from rebuttals. Sorry. :retard:
chcr said:
Sure it's legitimate. It's expected. I promise you that everyone everywhere in any government foriegn service is considered a spy (and thus fair game to be spied upon) in any country in which they serve. Obviously these chinese guys were rank amateurs.

Either that, or they were set up to get caught so that the real spies could plant the real bugs. ;)
Wasn't it just a couple years ago that we got caught selling the Chinese Goverment a plane that was full of bugs?
:rofl3: A couple years ago one of our spyplanes was sitting on one of their tarmacs and they were making us beg them to give it back...
Yeah, I remember that one, but it seems like before that we had a big 747 or something that we were selling to one of the top officials and they searched it and found bugs all over the thing. Perhaps it was a movie. :shrug:
Gato_Solo said:
We don't have to. We intercept phone transmissions from outside the embassy. We can also aim lasers at windows and get voice from that, too. Not to mention that almost 99% of satellite communication can be intercepted as well, the only reason we need to go into an embassy to put in bugs is if they only speak in the loo. ;)

Those are easy to protect from as well. Encryption work on phone and satelite comms and window-buzzers are great against laser-tapping. :)

During a trip to the Parliment building, I was shown a nearby building which happened to be the US embassy in Ottawa. On the roof are about 60 antanae and dishes, several of which point directly towards the Parlimentary building. It's known about and accepted to spy on everyone and be spied upon by everyone...even allies.
Squiggy said:
I believe your post was designed to exempt us from the dirty deed category with the words "We don't have to..." I didn't realize a smilie protected the author from rebuttals. Sorry. :retard:

Nope. I just stated fact. We don't have to rely on heavy bugging because our technology can intercept from a distance. Simple fact. As for the window buzzers...they're not as hard to overcome as you may think. Even white-noise generators and pink-noise generators can be overcome...if/when you know they're being used.