Which brings me to the all-important question...(for the lads)

do you want the full story? no I am not bored. I had sex but they were one night stands. My ex was supposed to be. But I decided otherwise when she hugged me and I could tell she needed someone so I stayed with her and got her home. In the process I fell for her. Not having sex with her I felt more intimate with her. SInce then I refuse to have sex without love or a relationship. Happy?
See that's what I'm talking aboot
guess you can be added to the list of

"not most men"
There is fuckin'
Having Sex
and making love.

There is an ascending level of investment and reward involved.
Winky said:
There is fuckin'
Having Sex
and making love.

There is an ascending level of investment and reward involved.
Indeed. And if you are lucky, damn lucky, you will find a partner that understands this as well.
Yeah that's why I voted for values on that poll.
Most important...

Hi would you like to have meaningless sex when it's convenient for me?

Oh sure I have low self esteem and never want a meaningful relationship, screw me anytime and I promise I won't be upset when you don't call again for a coupla weeks

Cool I like a gurl like that cuz I'm such a worthless bastard I only wanna doink Skanks THANKS Wham Bam thank you Ma'am
Winky said:
There is fuckin'
Having Sex
and making love.

There is an ascending level of investment and reward involved.

this I can agree with and scede to. but the reason I said what I did is because I wont have sexual contact of any kind without a relationship.
If you were looking for your dream car would you still take public transport or taxis in the meantime or would you insist on walking everywhere?

If you were trying to make the perfect chocolate cake would you never eat any chocolate at all until you'd succeeded?

And once you find the perfect car or recipe.. you have no need for public transport or standard chocolate ever again.
I like taking public transport. Saves on gas, rego, warrant + repair expenses...the list goes on and on (especially when you flog it all on something like a token 'look at me' vehicle, say like a BMW with extra expensive parts... ). Oh and did I mention TRAFFIC. Not to mention the concience of what you're doing to the ozone layer - how you're helping to keep the (what should logically be defunct and outlawed by now because fusion is far more feasible and economical and eco-friendly) petrol industry, and if you really want to think about it - giving morons like GW $$$$$ of dollars of incentive to invade Iraq. :p jesus fucking christ I'd rather walk or get a bike, fresh air and a workout at once.

Plus the devaluation means you never get back what you pay for anyhow.

On public transport you skip on that and you get the perve factor for free :lloyd: (boys and girls and scenery to boot :) )

Though saying that I'd really love a Vespa. But thats off-topic now, isn't it.

And chocolate: DUH....:confused: chocolates, chocolate. Sure there are different varietys but your tastes do tend to change over age.

Though It is good to experiment with lots of different types. However saying that I'd rather have a life supply of a standard block than have one chance to eat a gormet one and have to pay. A minute on the lips and its gone for good. (except for when it goes on your hips - and now thats a different story...

personally: I prefer sex...
Yeah you missed the analogy - swearing off sex while waiting for "the one" is like swearing off public transport while looking for a car.
tank girl said:
fusion is far more feasible and economical and eco-friendly
I'm calling "bullshit" on that one. Fusion is definitely not at the point where it can be used to power something small such as an automobile. It sure as hell isn't economical for that kind of use--or any--at this point in time. Can you name show me one fusion power plant in service in the world today?
Now Now Inkster settle down. At the current rate of non-progress in commercial fusion advancements TG will be a grandmother before the first pilot power plant goes into the construction phase. But it would be so very bitchen to have all the electricity being produced by fusion and all the cars running on Hydrogen fuel cells, with the Hydrogen being made by electricity from the fusion plants. Ah I'll prolly have shuffled off this mortal coil and have been admitted to Prof's heaven by then. heh
We have fusion & nobody likes it


or is that fission