Which demons must you live with...


Well-Known Member
John Cleese, talking about his reform from drugs and alcohol abuse once said (paraphrasing, I can't find the exact quote) "Thanks to my friends, I've managed to get rid of a lot of my demons, but now I'm not funny any more"

He was talking about how the demons that he lived with made him the funny man that people expected him to be, and that without them...he didn't recognize himself any more. Sad...really.


Which demons do you live with which you can't get rid of and still expect to be 'You'?

Which demons do you plan on getting rid of before you can feel like 'You' again?

(Yeah...deBish tosses up another tough thread onto OTCers):evilcool:
depression. for some reason i feel like i have to have it.

alchol. i am tring to cut back but i still love to drink.

self loathing: i see myself in a very negative light. but i am glad that most people who know me see me positivly. that makes me feel good
MrBishop said:
We do have the time...that's why I started the thread :)
*sigh* you may as well have just dared me to do it....cuz now i'll look chicken if i don't.....gimmee a bit...
great question MrBishop...you awe me :worship:

my greatest demon is myself: a sense of not deserving all the riches in my life, while simultaneously feeling a keen dissatisfaction with them and wanting something else... :shrug:

I suppose the humility makes me responsible and loyal, the dissatisfaction keeps me searching...

still, I wish I could just learn to be content.... that's what I struggle with daily...
demons? how about the dirt poor 2 months behind on the rent demon?...he's a bastard. or the haven't left the house to go anywhere in a month demon (unless you count kroger and the mailbox)? he sucks.
of course we all know that the demon of unhappy marriages resides at my house. fucker eats crackers in bed too...how about the i was 2 seconds away from cuming, you bastard demon? ooh, i hate him. but the smoke too much pot demon is my buddy and i hope he stays around because he makes the others bearable.
but we all have demons and that's what drives us, eh? the rent demon is being taken care of every saturday from 9am to 6pm. i babysit for my landlady. $30 bucks a pop of the rent balance...hey! she likes the arrangement so it works for me. i figure the other demons will take care of themselves when the girls are older...
Might as well answer my own question, eh?

I smoke...I'm a secret smoker. That is, I smoke behind my wife's back...she knows that I smoke, but not how much or when. I hate having to hide. Having to hide where the money is going, eating candies to hide the taste, washing often to hide the smell. HATE IT!

I'm not me when I hide. I'm a fearful, shameful man...BUT. I can't stop smoking and I can't smoke in front of her. I refuse to smoke close to my son. So the evil-circle goes on.

I want to get rid of that demon.

I'm comforteable with my loonie demon. I let it get out and play every once in a while...it's the one that I play with when I play with kids and the one that sits on my shoulder when I work on web-sites.
Depression, some mental disorders, and a constant urge to correct people... I wouldn't be me without my disorders. *hugs paranoia*
Demons? Oh I've got a couple of those lil' rumpleteasers :blank:

Alcohol: Now alc and I usually have a pretty good relationship :) I respect it, it respects me and we usually wobble through life pretty hapily :) Except if I have something important to do the next day. By nature I'm not a nervous person, neither do I suffer from stress but If there is something important to do tomorrow (job interview, meeting folks for the first time, education related examination etc) I'll end up getting hopelessly drunk the night before and suffer a terrible hangover.......most of the important things in my life have been done while very ill from that lil' demon drink :eh:

Ciggys: That fuckin' cancerous weed. I've had three attempts at quitting this year.....I can handle the withdrawl symptoms...I can handle the constant craving, hell, I can even handle being able to breath good fresh air......what I cannot handle is the fuckin' black depression that decends after a certain amount of time (time always varies) I've been really depressed once.....years ago..and while throwing in the cigs isn't that bad....for me it's a pretty damn close second :mad:

The Look at the Loony demon: I'll be the first to admit, in real life I'm an attention seeker. This demon seems to thrive on my hairstyle(s) (or lack of) My hair has been every colour from it's natural dark brown....to shocking white, and blue, red, orange, purple, pink and mixes thereof......it was pretty cool when I was a younger man but it's gettin' a bit strange now I'm older (hair is a kinda off-yellow/light ginger at the mo'). I could of course put this demon to rest with the simple application of a razor.........but I fear it would only manifest itself as the Flamboyant Flourescent Clothing demon or the Speak So Loudly and Arrogantly That Everyone Always Turns To Look At You monster :eh:

More to follow....
i never really saw that last as a demon, oz. i just saw it as being myself...but i see where you are coming from. if you don't don't express yourself one way it comes out another....this from a woman who jsut colored her hair back to a 'normal' color and has a face full of metal....
demons without which things wouldn't be right:
the crazy girl demon.

demons i'd like to evict:
self harm
lack of confidence

and especially... Worry.
I managed to exorcise the smoking demon, been clean for about 4 months now.

The depression demon lives with me and only moves out when the manic demon moves in. I can cope with either, but the depression demon bring his friend alcohol along too.

How about the I don't get to see my daughter demon? Or the I'm hundreds of miles away from all my friends and the fuckers at the mobile phone company have just cut me off demon?

How about the I packed in my job to start my own business and think I may end up bankrupt demon?

There are fucking hundreds of the bastards.
Like a few others, I have problems with the depression demon. It can get pretty bad sometimes, and when it hits, I still haven't figured out a way of riding it through, so that sucks.

I also feel that I never deserve the good things that happen, and I completely lack in self-confidence (kinda doomed, being a kiwi and all - kiwis are NOT good at blowing their own trumpets). I have to constantly ignore the voice in my head that tells me I'm not good enough, and that I should just give up. It's pretty hard. Like at the moment, I'm trying to jump straight into post-graduate GIS studies (Geographic Informations Systems) without doing a science degree and the senior lecturer told me that I can do it if I make good grades on the two GIS undergraduate papers that I'm doing, and you can imagine what's going on in my head....

Good thread, Bish!
BeardofPants said:
I also feel that I never deserve the good things that happen, and I completely lack in self-confidence

Wow, I've been posting on some of the same forums as yerself for over a year.....and I would never have guessed that BoP! (yer written word comes over as very confident)......I guess yer learn summit everyday!

i never really saw that last as a demon, oz. i just saw it as being myself

Oh yeah.....ya can't beat self expresion! (in whatever form it takes) :)

Unfortuneatly my hair dying demon has the same sense o' mischief as my alc demon..............Nine days before taking a teaching job I decided to dye my hair purple......convinced it would wash out before I started work..........it did wash out (kinda) it faded from deep purple to bright pink! :retard2: (for the record the students, who were all adults, loved it..........but it took all my charm to stop the principal of the college giving me the sack)
i had the coolest hair in the 80's....(think lita ford blonde on top black underneath) but where hers was black, mine was electric blue. god, it was hot! then all the blue faded and it was a nasty shade of green...so i shave it, the blue...wore the rest up in a topknot...man, i thought i was cool. recently it's been red, black, the primary color red- red like a fire truck, a excellent shade of turquoise, and black again....i suppose i still think i'm cool....
Oz said:
Wow, I've been posting on some of the same forums as yerself for over a year.....and I would never have guessed that BoP!

You mean, because I like to get on my soapbox and opinionate everyone to death? :lol:
BeardofPants said:
You mean, because I like to get on my soapbox and opinionate everyone to death? :lol:

hmm, was thinking more that yer don't take any shit from wankers..........but your theory works as well :winkkiss:
I have the Brandi demon that's in the exorcism process as we speak. And thank God for my parents, who helped me financially get rid of the electricity- cable- and phone-disconnection-notice-every-month demon. But I've still got the two-jobs-and-only-bringing-home-$800-a-month-if-I'm-lucky demon.