Which right is right?

The university's position is backed by a similar written policy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and is supported by the Freedom from Religion Foundation in Madison.

"There's free speech, but this isn't free," said Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of the Freedom from Religion Foundation. "This amounts to taxpayer subsidy of worship."

Agenda vs agenda.Taxpayer subsidy would equate if he were paid to lead bible class. He's not.

"As a state employee, you and I have a responsibility to make sure we are providing an environment that does not put undue pressure on any member of our halls in terms of religion, political parties, etc.," Newman wrote. "As a 'leader' of a Bible study, one of the roles is to gather and encourage people to attend. These two roles have a strong possibility to conflict in your hall."

If I get this right, you can't lead study hall if you practice a religion but it's okay to lead study hall if you, for example, ask students to attend your bi-sexual cum-a-thon.
If it is written in his agreement that he can't, and he did, then he is in the wrong.

Chcr, we will forever disagree about these things. IMO, you make a lot of "assumptions" here. I sincerely doubt any student ever aspired to be a RA solely for the purpose of selectively discriminating on a religious basis, as he would be guilty of if one followed all your assumptions. It just don't fly, and I think deep down you know it.

And it's real hard to "abuse the authority" of being an RA. You been there. That molehill doesn't deserve mountain status just because it has the G word on it.
SouthernN'Proud said:
If it is written in his agreement that he can't, and he did, then he is in the wrong.

Chcr, we will forever disagree about these things. IMO, you make a lot of "assumptions" here. I sincerely doubt any student ever aspired to be a RA solely for the purpose of selectively discriminating on a religious basis, as he would be guilty of if one followed all your assumptions. It just don't fly, and I think deep down you know it.

And it's real hard to "abuse the authority" of being an RA. You been there. That molehill doesn't deserve mountain status just because it has the G word on it.
Oh, I hardly think he aspired to become an RA for religious purposes at all. I still believe that he abused his position. A guy who becomes an RA so he can have first crack at the new freshmen girls does the same. He's there to help the new students period, regardless of race, creed or gender. He was inevitably giving preferential treatment to those in his bible study group, that's what the rule is there to prevent. That's abuse, plain and simple. It would be exactly the same if he had a "Pinko Students for the Overthrow of the Commissars" group. Perhaps you'd prefer "misuse" but it amounts to the same thing.
Gato_Solo said:
The point here is that he is in his domicile. As long as what he is doing isn't illegal, he can do as he pleases during his off time. The university has no business telling him that his voluntary meetings shoud be stopped.
You missed the idea that dorms can have all sorts of silly rules. Drinking, smoking, and overnight visitors are legal but many dorms have rules against them.
flavio said:
You missed the idea that dorms can have all sorts of silly rules. Drinking, smoking, and overnight visitors are legal but many dorms have rules against them.

Drinking, smoking, and overnight visitors are illegal in most dorms, but those things don't get reported...at least not to all of this.

My personal opinion? As long as no harm is done, any adult activity legal in 'the real world' should be legal in the ivory tower. :shrug:
Gato_Solo said:
overnight visitors are illegal in most dorms, but those things don't get reported...at least not to all of this.

My personal opinion? As long as no harm is done, any adult activity legal in 'the real world' should be legal in the ivory tower. :shrug:

Hell there are Strata complexes and Condos which have a no overnight visitor clauses,so his situation isn't all that out there.
Gato_Solo said:
Ahh...the dreaded experiment of one. :D So, kimosabe, how did the Uni get wind of this person's "illicit religious fervor", if the group was voluntary?

Asked someone who wasn't interested and knew the rules. That one is obvious. No doubt you suppose that some godless heathen was skulking around looiking for "illicit religious fervor?" I've learned from my experiences, is that so hard to understand?

Again, I personally imagine that if someone in the group (not necessarily our hero) hadn't been a bit too enthusiastic or strident in his or her recruiting practices, no one would ever have known. Just like having an overnight visitor.

Edit: Sorry if that seems sarcastic, but I am (no doubt you've noticed ;) ).
chcr said:
Asked someone who wasn't interested and knew the rules. That one is obvious. No doubt you suppose that some godless heathen was skulking around looiking for "illicit religious fervor?" I've learned from my experiences, is that so hard to understand?

:rofl: Godless heathen lurker...:rofl4:

In todays society, even a rumor of this would be enough to launch an investigation. You know this just as well as I do. It's like the "minute of silence" that was ruled unconstitutional because "They might be praying in that minute." Note the word "might".

chcr said:
Again, I personally imagine that if someone in the group (not necessarily our hero) hadn't been a bit too enthusiastic or strident in his or her recruiting practices, no one would ever have known. Just like having an overnight visitor.

I look at it this way...people who have no life like to dictate what everyone else should be doing...

chcr said:
Edit: Sorry if that seems sarcastic, but I am (no doubt you've noticed ;) ).

You? Nooooo...:p
Gato_Solo said:
:rofl: Godless heathen lurker...:rofl4:

I look at it this way...people who have no life like to dictate what everyone else should be doing...
1. I don't lurk...much. ;)
2. I've noticed that same thing myself on any number of occasions.