:whip: On the floor, now!

Real pushups baby, i coulda done 140-150 when i was in tip top form, won a few races and wasthe table tennis champ in high school even, was that in form :(
I don't have a lot of strength in my upper body, I will admit that. I should go kayaking or canoeing. My arms could use some muscle. lol.
kuulani said:

niniu = while sitting on knees, rotate upper body, touching one shoulder to the ground, rolling to the other shoulder, and coming back to front

Oh you got to fucking kidding me, right? Is this something only Hawaiians can do?
kuulani said:
pushups? ha! i'd like to see you woosies do backbends and ninius! :D

backbends = while on knees, bend backwards with back & thighs straight, all the way to the ground, and back up agan;
niniu = while sitting on knees, rotate upper body, touching one shoulder to the ground, rolling to the other shoulder, and coming back to front[/size]
Thats flexibility. Guys dont care about flexibility. When it comes down to macho chest thumping, raw strength is all that seems to matter.
I used to be a gymnast when I was little and I could do that thing where you push yourself from a headstand into a handstand using just arm strength. It's bloody hard.

I can barely lift a carton of milk now, though... :D
PuterTutor said:
kuulani said:

niniu = while sitting on knees, rotate upper body, touching one shoulder to the ground, rolling to the other shoulder, and coming back to front

Oh you got to fucking kidding me, right? Is this something only Hawaiians can do?

not all Hawaiians, only hula dancers :D
i'd join the macho chest-thumping but 1/ i don't care and 2/ i'm a scrawny runt

fortunately mine's a job where lefting pens is about as harsh as it gets ;)
unclehobart said:
kuulani said:
pushups? ha! i'd like to see you woosies do backbends and ninius! :D

backbends = while on knees, bend backwards with back & thighs straight, all the way to the ground, and back up agan;
niniu = while sitting on knees, rotate upper body, touching one shoulder to the ground, rolling to the other shoulder, and coming back to front[/size]
Thats flexibility. Guys dont care about flexibility. When it comes down to macho chest thumping, raw strength is all that seems to matter.

:rolleyes: It's not only flexibility, I'd like to see your manly abs pulling off a few of these ... try it with your arms touching your shoulders or your arms straight up in the air. Come back to me when you can do more than a handful :p
*screams and runs away in pain over the mere thought of doing ninius after, of course, a 15 minute set of warm ups*

*sweat drips*

*runs faster*
kuulani said:
unclehobart said:
kuulani said:
pushups? ha! i'd like to see you woosies do backbends and ninius! :D

backbends = while on knees, bend backwards with back & thighs straight, all the way to the ground, and back up agan;
niniu = while sitting on knees, rotate upper body, touching one shoulder to the ground, rolling to the other shoulder, and coming back to front[/size]
Thats flexibility. Guys dont care about flexibility. When it comes down to macho chest thumping, raw strength is all that seems to matter.

:rolleyes: It's not only flexibility, I'd like to see your manly abs pulling off a few of these ... try it with your arms touching your shoulders or your arms straight up in the air. Come back to me when you can do more than a handful :p
It is if I can't get my shoulder on the ground in the first place. Its a flexibility thing first and foremost. Strength and endurance are moot if you cant get 'into the position'.
3 days is just breaking it in. not just anyshirt mind you it has to be a wife beater.
Gonz said:
3 days is just breaking it in. not just anyshirt mind you it has to be a wife beater.
Wife beater, eh? This aint no tea sippin' facy pants society party. Wife beaters are downright formal wear unless they say 'property of (such and such) athletic dept., or are so stained with auto oil and half chewed by moths.
unclehobart said:
Guys dont care about flexibility......

I beg to differ.... :brow:

So.. when I was in karate I could do 300 push-ups.. NOT the sissy girlie kind either! 500 situps, and leg raises and all that good stuff.

Now I get my kids to get me a drink while I watch TV :D

ok..I don't, really...but it sounded funny to me!![/siz]