New Member
Both left and right views suck donkey nads when spoken from an emotional geyser. Once the emotional fangs are pulled, both left and right views deflate like cheap tires. Logic and reality are all that matters.
And that leaves right wing as the only possible system... (hint: GDP per capita is inversely related to socialistic principles in the government..., in general)unclehobart said:Both left and right views suck donkey nads when spoken from an emotional geyser. Once the emotional fangs are pulled, both left and right views deflate like cheap tires. Logic and reality are all that matters.
Why dont you ask them what they like instead of telling them what they like? Just because someone speaks or rather stiff left or right views doesnt mean that they accept 100% of the party line pamphlet. One may be leftist and yet pro military. One may be rightist and despise religion. One may be left and love free enterprise. One may be right in an ecconomic sense and yet be left in a social sense. Theres a whole curve in there to play with.LastLegionary said:Don't forget Luis and Leslie. Them socialists love high taxes, total government control power, Big Brother, redistribution of wealth, work quoats (Luis), and all that shit.MitchSchaft said:The foreigners haven't chimed in yet. Wait 'til Ris starts in. If you like the left side, then they're the guys for you.
Buzz... the rt wing has emotional and logical hangups as well. they just happen to be better with money.LastLegionary said:And that leaves right wing as the only possible system... (hint: GDP per capita is inversely related to socialistic principles in the government..., in general)unclehobart said:Both left and right views suck donkey nads when spoken from an emotional geyser. Once the emotional fangs are pulled, both left and right views deflate like cheap tires. Logic and reality are all that matters.
Putting words into others mouths and claiming them to be facts are rude.LastLegionary said:That is just the factsMitchSchaft said:I did not want to incriminate anyone, LL.
Please don't run away. I'm sur he didn't mean to offend you. Read this: http://otcentral.xibase.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=3753Squiggy said:Coffee Bean, Why don't you enlighten us with your efforts on behalf of this country. I've already stated that I enlisted in the Marine Corps for for years in the face of clear and present danger. So tell us all about how full YOUR scrotum is. Or is it all words. I take offense to being called called a communist. And in no light way. If you are the measure of whats going to happen to every fucking discussion on OTC, then fuck it. Its time for me to move on. I am proud of my service to my country and I am not going to tolerate some impotent fucker spouting bullshit because he is incapable of thinking for himself.
And I liked it here...such a shame.
Squiggy said:Coffee Bean, Why don't you enlighten us with your efforts on behalf of this country. I've already stated that I enlisted in the Marine Corps for for years in the face of clear and present danger. So tell us all about how full YOUR scrotum is. Or is it all words. I take offense to being called called a communist. And in no light way. If you are the measure of whats going to happen to every fucking discussion on OTC, then fuck it. Its time for me to move on. I am proud of my service to my country and I am not going to tolerate some impotent fucker spouting bullshit because he is incapable of thinking for himself.
And I liked it here...such a shame.