Who is...


:crying5: *runs around in circles wiht her eyes closed*
it's a little better. still scares me though!

*jumps into Shadow's arms* HOLD ME!
I can't make it not fall off the right side of his face without making the head bigger, and the head's already as big as it can be without being like scary-big, at least compared to his face. :eek:

fury said:
I can't make it not fall off the right side of his face without making the head bigger, and the head's already as big as it can be without being like scary-big, at least compared to his face. :eek:


So make it scary-big! And we can all have even more fun than we're already having... :D :headbang:
Oh, that is so good!

I can just imagine that thing stomping through a city like godzilla...nodding it's stupid green head.

And while we're on the subject...it's not actually GREEN is it?
Nope, closer to teal/turquoise-ish. Just like this little guy: :D and his big brother,
exactly, fury...exactly.


I'll protect you.

I don't know what weaknesses smilies have though :(
*thinks* Wel, the don't have nuts so we can't kick the there, they don't have nipples so those can't be twisted... I KNOW! Back to the trusty bitchslap!
I know...a real shitty computer that can't even HANDLE smilies!!!

(granted you'd have to go back to the time when I computer was the size of a room but...)

Well, it's an idea.

Hey...just imagine a world without smilies..........
