Who smokes!!??

Are you a smoker?

  • Never smoked

    Votes: 25 69.4%
  • Casual, i regulate it

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • I´m a chain Smoker!!

    Votes: 4 11.1%
  • I quit yay!

    Votes: 4 11.1%

  • Total voters
Used to do a bowl off of the pipe twice a week from 18-22. I dabbled in a weekly cigar from 29-31. It lost my attention and faded away well over a year ago. I don't miss it.
There has to be something between chain smoker (my vote) & casual. What's a pack a day, besides 20 nails in my coffin?
Originally posted by outside looking in
I noticed no one has quit! :D

what for? somebody has to pay for all the added welfare & medical care that is paid for in taxes. hell, it's almost a responsibility to smoke ;)
I smoke when I can blag a fag and am pissed. Apart from that it's strictly gange+vanilla baccy only.

A large part of the medical cost is covered (or should be) by the vice taxes placed on cigs. If people quit, then the tax revenue on cig sales would go down, but then so would the medical cost.

Of course, I say do what makes you happy!
Smoked a pack a day for 10 years and quit after getting bronchitis once a month for three months in a row then walking pneumonia. I always said if it started outwardly affecting my health (hacking cough, wheezing, etc.) that I would quit. I'll be smoke free 4 years this December...

Funny thing though my asthma has been worse since I quit. Coincidence? I think not.
They always park trucks by the intake for the dorm I live in, so it always smells like Diesel fuel exhaust, if that counts :)
I'm telling ya, smoking should be mandatory. Here is a sampling of just a very few things thought of smoking:
This study uses within-state variation in taxes over the 1989-1992 time period to test whether maternal smoking and birth outcomes are responsive to higher state cigarette taxes

In recent years, many states have raised cigarette tax rates, and in every case, they have reduced cigarette consumption while increasing revenues to balance budgets and fund vital programs

A cigarette excise tax increase of 75 cents per pack has been proposed to finance part of the President's universal health care program. The tax enjoys considerable public support, would raise about $11 billion per year, and would be relatively simple to administer because it would increase an existing manufacturer's excise tax

The American Medical Association, the leading advocacy group for doctors, says that increasing taxes on cigarettes not only provides a revenue boost for state coffers

"Raising cigarette taxes is a win-win-win solution for state legislators and governors as they face challenges in the next few months.

without smokers, our elderly & children would suffer :rolleyes:
I plan to make all men (except gays maybe) and a lot of women stop smoking by buying all the cigarette companies in the world and rename the brand "Pole"

Slogan: "Hey, have you smoked a Pole today?"
Sorry, but if you knew what being addicted to it was like, you'd know that that would not affect me buying cigarettes at all :eek: :eek: :cool: