Who will win Super Bowl XXXVIII?

Gonz said:
The video was pulled (after I saved it)

Boob shot :headbang:

OooOOOooohhh...nipple-ring :)

Thanks Gonz!!
here is a pic from the rally today.... i wonder what the final head count estimate will be..was 1.2 million 2 years ago. this is a pic at city hall plaza. a giant open space by boston city hall.

here is a bad aerial shot of the plaza.
this is along the parade route. found an article that said an estimated 1.5 million people turned out. one of the large local schools reported over 800 student absenses today. wish i could have gone, but i had to work today.

I hope Charlotte wecomed it's Panthers back warmly. They can be very proud of the performance they put up. They were supposed so fall easily to the Pats and they didn't.
another pic. old north church in the forground. boston commons are behind the crowd on the right.

the road is 4 lanes wide and the sidewalk is very wide here. the train station entrance is the small grey building by the red and blue vehicles. the sidewalk extends to near the tree behind it.
markjs said:
I hope Charlotte wecomed it's Panthers back warmly. They can be very proud of the performance they put up. They were supposed so fall easily to the Pats and they didn't.

according to the news this morning, the city of charlotte offered to host a parade for the team, but they declined. opting to wait till they won the super bowl.
that game was one of the toughest ones i saw this season. i'm glad it isnt a "best of" series.
knew i'd find this shot eventually.. aerial of city hall plaza today.

there is a 4 lane road in front of the curved red building in the center and a 6 lane road in front of the white curved building to the right.

boston city hall is the building in the lower left corner. the team is on the red brick area, just above the wall that looks like steps.