(Whoevers) Response

Let a President have a speech on TV & it gets followed up by some peon never-will-be providing a response.

Because lord knows da bossman is always right! Why let the opposition speak at all?

Boy that was a great idea to go to a police action in 'nam, wasn't it, the bossman is always right....

Watergate, now there was a travesty, the damn opposition forced their will against the bossman, who as we all know is always right.

I guess Clinton, FDR, and Kennedy must have been right too, they were bossmen too. What's more is all of them extremely popular with the people.

Dubya said:
I told all four that there are going to be some times where we don't agree with each other, but that's OK. If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator.

Freedom of speech, so long as viewpoints expressed agree with Gonz?!?
well you coulda done a better job of clarity in the original post. at least make it easier for folks to discern what you're whining, er, commenting about...
Look at the title. Add a dose of
Let a President have a speech on TV & it gets followed up by some peon never-will-be providing a response.

Seems clear enough to me.
Didn't listen. Never have listened to the response. It's childish tit-for-tat.
So you were just making childish false statements based on no actual facts.

A pretty transparent "silence the other side" type of thing.
well you coulda done a better job of clarity in the original post. at least make it easier for folks to discern what you're whining, er, commenting about...

Purt near anybody with functioning brain cells figured it out easy enough it seems. If you need help, I'm sure there's no shortage of government freebie programs designed to asist you and others like you in your time of need. Of course, it just follows suit that until someone spoonfed the information to you, you had no idea what to think about it...but spouted off anyway, aligning with known perpetrators of like "mind".

As I said before. Typical. All your pretty words are betrayed by your actions. As they always are. Just takes a little time before it contradicts itself.
Of course, it just follows suit that until someone spoonfed the information to you, you had no idea what to think about it...but spouted off anyway, aligning with known perpetrators of like "mind".

The OP spouted off and made false statements about something he didn't even listen to it turns out. Others in the thread were wondering what he was talking about to which you spouted insults directed at them for wanting info.

You and like "mind" apparently like to form opinions based on nothing yet insult those looking for facts.
So you were just making childish false statements based on no actual facts.

A pretty transparent "silence the other side" type of thing.

Look, dumbass, I didn't say a word about the content. I bitched about the childish need for an immediate retort to a Presidential speech on national TV. The idiot Republicans used to do this. I didn't listen then either.

There is no need for any party to issue an immediate response to any speech by any President, using the same airtime. There is always the mass media for the Demoncrats & the internet for Republicans.
I got that it was the response to to something Bush said or a speech he made, from the get-go. All I ever wanted to know, was who made it so perhaps I could know who Gonz was calling a "peon never-will-be", because apparently it's a state secret.

SnP, calm the fuck down, If I read a link to something Ann Coulter says, I assure you it isn't going to sway me one little bit. Nor if I watch Fox opinion channel, it's not gonna change me. I read the news and make my own opinion based on what information the news gives me, which unfortunately is often slanted, and I have to take that into account.

By the same token when searching out a story on anything, when OpEdNews, comes up, I rarely even follow the link, and if I do, it usually doesn't sway me, or make me into conspiracy theorist commie either!
The responder is typically some non essential member of the opposing party. Instead of Hillary stating th ePresident is an idiot, they send out the junior Senator from Washington or a 4th district Indiana rep.

It's not about who said what-it's about the need to say anything on someone elses dime.
As I said before. Typical. All your pretty words are betrayed by your actions. As they always are. Just takes a little time before it contradicts itself.


what actions? what the fuck are you talking about?

and yes, i knew what gonz was talkign about when i first read the post, but it certainly could have been a little clearer.

You know, never once have I had the fortitude and patience and interest to even sit through a presidential address, much less a response to it in my entire life. I have read through some transcripts of them later, but never watched one, not even in the Clinton days, and by my estimation, he was the finest leader in my lifetime. Political speeches about hard facts and realities? Since when? I never got that memo....

I much prefer reading to video or radio, saves a lot of time and I get a lot more information that way.

If I want to sift through politcal speeches I much prefer transcripts for a multitude of reasons, chief among them being I can take in the speech in a fraction of the time, and the politician, (read: actor), doesn't have to sicken me with his obviously decieving tactics.

Every news source on this planet has some kind of slant. I personally happen to prefer to my instant electronic access to nearly all of them at once, to your spoon fed Fox News, which is "fair and balanced", when I make my opinions. I can see the strory from several of the different slants and I suspect get a better idea of what the actual truth was.

But by all means, continue eating Fox News reality, they even have their own reality channel, and many other fine channels of entertainment. Hell a person could have some Fox based idiot tube outlet on 24/7 and never be bored! Rupert Murdoch can serve all your needs, and being "fair and balanced", you can tell everyone else who reads and view other sources how they need their opinions formed for them because you get only the facts at Fox News and make your own opinions!

Too bad the rest of us have to be stuck on opinion based sources like CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, and CSPAN, (the one TV news source I think truly deserves the "fair and balanced" moniker). I wish I was man enough to only view the truth at Fox, but I am weak and need to look at less "fair and balanced" sources.

:laugh: :rofl: :rofl2: :rofl3: :rofl4:
I admit it I even read the NY Times at times.....And we all know that's right up their with the other tabloids, Star, The Enquirer, you know that stuff....I am weak, but at least The NY Times is my only tabloid guilty pleasure, oh wait I do have one other tabloid, the Washington Post. I suspect that being in such close proximity of the capitol, they either have no idea what is going on A. because the sickness that is politics has infected them, or because B. because we all know all the media is liberals except the "fair and balanced" Fox News.

Imagine a media outlet so impartial that they have to remind us how impartial they are!

I wish I was able to think for myself and realize, Fox News is where the truth lies!

God I'm killin me today!

:laugh: :rofl: :rofl2: :rofl3: :rofl4: