Why am I here...

...and one other thing....the company USED to be pretty hot. It had technology NO ONE else had at the time, and it could have used that tech to extort tens of millions of dollars from it's competition simply by licensing the form factor alone, not to mention the goodies inside...

...they blew it...in the very worst way, and now they simply run rinky dink OTCBB "deals" to milk every last cent out of the cult following it has...

About sums it up...
On another note, i just recently noticed that RB got rid of the $$$ rating system. All one had to do was post 100 times a day and you could find enough idiots to membermark you and give one a $$$$$ rating.
It'll trade all the way down to .0005 or until it's worthless. Which ever comes first. I've bought many issues well below .1. That type of trading's not for the faint of heart but it does happen.