Why the UN has overstepped it's boundries

as you have said Squiggs he is the kind of guy who says America America and wraps himself in the American flag. or better wording from you America right or wrong
Squiggy said:
Um...Gonz...Everything you've said in this thread are reasons why the US had absolutely NO reason to invade Iraq...You're making me dizzy with how many sides of the same point you can occupy simply by changing threads. :dizzy:

We went to war & overthrew a dictator. Get used to it, it's too late to change it.

Otherwise, huh? Are you talking about the UN rights stuff? It looks to me, if you're right, that the UN was breaking its own charter.
freako104 said:
general murder yes. what about POWs, political prisioners and genocide? arent those technically muders?

What about POW's? This isn't a case of POW's or political prisoners. Genocide? Put down the bong...you're getting goofier
I asked it because there are international laws for those kinds of prisoners are there not? So why are they on death row? How are they being treated?
They're on death row in the United States. How do you think they're being treated?

What are "those kind of prisoners"? Murderers? Mexican? Males?
they are generally treated as other prisoners. the question is why they are there. and why the UN is so upset about this. they arent upset by other prisoners on deathrow are they?
Post 1...link to the story...follow it...or better yet...the UN is evil & wants to overthow the United States. (that's way too close to the truth)
how is it evil? It didnt seem to have a problem with us before. And some sya America is evil. are they evil for believing that
It is a socialist organization where all the little countries despise the wealth & power of the big countries because they can't have it so tehy take every chance they have to "put it to 'em". Since we're the biggest & wealthiest we're teh #1 target.

Yes, there have been lots & lots & lots of problems with the UN over the last 50 years.

Yes. People that say that America is evil are our enemies & need to be killed. If that is too severe then they at least need to quit taking money from us. Have integrity, If we're bad, then make your own way or STFU. We are not evil. We are a great country full of freedoms others only dream about (or despise) & we help everybody. We're first in line at all tragedies with the biggest check. Hell, we even feed the civilian population of countries we are at war with.
Yes. They are our enemy. Notice I didn't say invade all thsoe countries. Tha'd take too long.
thats why the UN doesnt like us right there. Kill those that dont agree with us and dont like us. even if they arent doing anything to us. you did say not to invade but you did say to kill them
Here's your assignment for tomorrow. Go to the library, not the one at your school, those have been poisoned, but the big main branch in your town. Find as many cases as you can of the US doing evil. Not from the perspective of some liberal columnist but from what you read in historical context. Start around, say, 1924. All the way to 2003. Report back here ASAP.
here are a few off hand
Putting Polpot into power
Giving weapons to countries then to the ones they are fighting
My Lai
The Japanese Prison Camps in WWII
Nuking 2 cities in WWII(it did end the war I will say that but that many innocent dying and being targeted)
according to Squiggs the Shah of Iran has done some shit and we put him in power as well.
Didnt we put Sadam into power as well as Castro?

The library in town I dont know where that is. I can check the one on campus since thats more accessible but you say its tainted with liberal BS

I said in context. Those are things you don't know the surrounding issues.

Castro? :lol:

Go to the library. Your head is full of half truths & misinformation.

I said poison. YOU said liberal BS.
ok then enlighten me. particularly the putting the dictators into power.

and isnt liberal BS and poison the same thing to you ;)
I could go on all night but I have to sleep sometime. You also need to see teh historical context. You, libs in general, but I'm talking to you, try to use modern morality on last centuries problems.

When your country has lost 400,000 men & women fighting on 3 (4?) continents over a 4 year span & all you can see is more blood & loss on the horizon, the (generally) untested A-bomb looks like (and is) a lifesaver. It ended the war in 3 days, not 3 years. It saved countless lives. It was the best solution we had.
I still think the important point here is what it says about how the rest of the world sees us. What if they decide we need to be stopped? Kill 'em all and let god sort 'em out????
chcr said:
I still think the important point here is what it says about how the rest of the world sees us. What if they decide we need to be stopped? Kill 'em all and let god sort 'em out????

Nice, but the only thing we need, as a nation, to do is to close our borders, close our check-book, and pull all of our troops home. That'll solve everyones problems, right? :rolleyes: