Why the UN has overstepped it's boundries

How the rest of the world sees us. Everytime (well most times) I see that that phrase, "What will the Neighbors Think" pops into my mind. I don't care what they think. When they stop trading with us & taking our goods & money, then I'll think we've overstepped our boundries. They haven't, I don't.
Um...Gonz...I think the idea is to conduct yourself in a manner that would not lead to alienating everyone else. Its how civilizations work...:tardbang:
As we act, continually. It's a few that start this crap. Most don't feel this way. Who does more for the world than the US? We do more than the next (xxx) combined so don't try to pass off what evil hate mongers we are.
There's trouble in the world -

Who makes up the greatest share of "peacekeeping troops?

There's a natural disaster -
Who sends aid, immediately, in the form of food, clothes, blankets, money & personel?

There's an outbreak of some disease -
Who has people on the next plane to that place in order to gather samples to test, ID & eradicate? Who offered $10,000,000,000. in AIDS relief to 14 nations, 12 of them African?

We do things to better mankind & to help the underpriveleged/under- or malnourished every single day.

I'm not saying others don't help. I am saying we do more, per capita, than anybody else in the world & it's time to get off the back of Uncle Sam. Hell, if you ask nicely, we might even save the life of your leader & escort him/her, under cover of darkness, to some far away & unnown African nation only to have our own idiot liberals try to say we kidnapped him/her.
Gonz said:
When your country has lost 400,000 men & women fighting on 3 (4?) continents over a 4 year span & all you can see is more blood & loss on the horizon, the (generally) untested A-bomb looks like (and is) a lifesaver. It ended the war in 3 days, not 3 years. It saved countless lives. It was the best solution we had.

Countless iraqies or afgans are dying, if they could manage to place an hbomb in every US city, they would be doign the right thing, by using the magic lifesaver. :shrug:
Who does more for the world than the US?

That is the specific attitude that alienates so many. If I help you change you're tire one time, and for the next twenty years, every time I see you I remind you of it and expect your gratitude, you'd get pretty fucking tired of me. It's an oversimplification, but it is simply not necessary to alienate other countries to get what we want, yet each administration since WWII seems to want to go further out of it's way to do just that. This is in no way a new problem, nor is it isolated to this administration. We as a nation can take this as a friendly reminder that we should be better "neighbors" or we can simply continue to be assholes until it escalates to the point of confrontation (these trade embargoes, etc. that you mention). Wouldn't it be best to avoid all that unpleasantness in the first place? I don't know why I keep arguing the point with you, Gonz. It's clear that you don't think so.
Actually your per capita figures sorta suck

but that is another thread

back to the point:

Article 11
Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.

All the mexican gov't is asking for assurances that this is followed

Like the US asks other Gov'ts when a US citizen is arrested abroad

you can't have one rule for the US and another for the rest of the world.
Hell, if you ask nicely, we might even save the life of your leader & escort him/her, under cover of darkness, to some far away & unnown African nation only to have our own idiot liberals try to say we kidnapped him/her.

If you do...I PROMISE I won't say ANYTHING....PLEASE
chcr said:
That is the specific attitude that alienates so many. If I help you change you're tire one time, and for the next twenty years, every time I see you I remind you of it and expect your gratitude, you'd get pretty fucking tired of me.

You're absolutely right. That would get tiresome. Lets oversimplify it closer to reality.

I have a flat. You help me fix it. I then ask you to pay me for the privelege. I ask you to pay me every few weeks. Now who's getting tiresome?
chcr said:
I still think the important point here is what it says about how the rest of the world sees us. What if they decide we need to be stopped? Kill 'em all and let god sort 'em out????

thats what Gonz was saying
I know, freako. :shrug:

I suppose it's an answer, just not a personally palatable one.
which is how I felt. Maybe its me and my liberal taint but I thought hat was why they hated us? :shrug: I was wrogn tho :p