Wii Fit

I tried to get Wii Fit yesterday but my local stores were already sold out.

Dara got it. She's not a professional shopper, but she's an amateur of olympic standard. She got the Wii at Wal-Mart and the fit at Target.
I'm still pissed about being called a fat bastard by a game but on the other hand I've lost seven pounds and reduced my "Wii age" from 63 ant the start to 38 tonight.
I need ot get me a Wii Fit, everyone seems to be doing amazing with them.
How well is it a 'substitute' for going to the gym?

Well, when I go to the gym, I do 30 minutes of cardio and about the same of strength training. Typically, I can lose 2-3 pounds a week. Since I got the Wii I'm losing a pound a day, doing about 30 minutes of cardio, fifteen (or so) of yoga and 15-20 of strength training. I find it more useful for my purposes than the gym. Another thing about it is that it's right there next to the TV. A lot harder to talk myself out of it than the gym. ;) It scolds you for missing a day though, which is rather annoying.

Edit: Doing step aerobics has reminded me how bad of a dancer I really am too.
do you know if there's a maximum weight you can be to use it? after reading your posts, chcr, we're really interested in getting it, but my guy is concerned he might break it!
do you know if there's a maximum weight you can be to use it? after reading your posts, chcr, we're really interested in getting it, but my guy is concerned he might break it!

I think the balance board is limited to 135kg (300lb).
I think Luis is right, Ash.
How often to you vary your workouts, chcr (pre-wii)?
Almost daily. After my cardio (Typically 1 week of elliptical, one week of treadmill) I would target upper body strength one day, lower the next. With the Wii, I do aerobics, balance, strength and yoga every day but vary the exercises quite a bit. There are certain exercises I do every day and others I switch around at random. I still do 30 minutes on the elliptical most days as well.
In that case, chcr, the wii sounds most effective for you. How is it working out for Dara?

My weight loss (now in normal bmi) has slowed down accordingly, and I have about 4 kilos left to lose (minimum - 9 if I want to get to the lower end of normal bmi range). I vary my workouts (not as much as you, but some), but the weight loss has slowed. So yeah... wii's lookin' goood! ;)
In that case, chcr, the wii sounds most effective for you. How is it working out for Dara?

My weight loss (now in normal bmi) has slowed down accordingly, and I have about 4 kilos left to lose (minimum - 9 if I want to get to the lower end of normal bmi range). I vary my workouts (not as much as you, but some), but the weight loss has slowed. So yeah... wii's lookin' goood! ;)

I gotta believe it would work better for Dara if she could manage more than once a week. Still, it's once a week more than she's been doing.

Re varying workouts, I used to work out all the time and found that the more variety you can use th a) less boring it will be and b) the more effective it is. My problem is that once I stopped racing, I completely lost interest in being in condition. I still have trouble motivating myself, and the wii helps some with that.

Honestly my two biggest problems are an overwhelming fondness for food that isn't good for me combined with an utter lack of willpower. :shrug: Even when I was racing I probably would have been more competitive if I hadn't weighed 30+ more pounds than most of the other guys.