
"For example, in a game like Wii Sports bowling, the ball is thrown by simply releasing the B Button on the remote, not by letting go of the remote!"

Yeah, the first weekend I heard of a guy who's friend busted his 54" projection screen. The wrist strap snapped.
How the hell do you bust a TV screen with a plastic controller? Guess they don't make TV's like they use to.

Idiots. I don't use the wrist strap most of the time, Played Zelda for 4 hours last night without breaking anything.
Zelda is pretty sweet so far. They made good use of the controller. You swing the contoller to swing your sword and aim the controller at the screen to aim your slingshot, bow and arrow, boomerang, etc.

My only bitch so far is some of the puzzle elements are a little weird and you can get stuck in places.

Like for instance near the beginning I had to knock down a bee's nest to go any further in the game. I spent some time shooting at it with my slingshot which didn't do anything, ran around the level to see if there was something else I missed, shot at it again, ran around.

Finally I figured out you need to pick some tall grass, use it to whistle so a hawk will come over and land on your arm, aim the hawk at the bee's nest to knock it down. A little frustrating.
Zelda is awesome!!
I'm super klutzy so both me and the BF make sure that the strap's on REALLY tight before I start throwing it around. Almost gave the BF a black eye when we were playing virtual baseball. :blush:
You have a Wii too?

I really highly recommend getting Rayman. It's a great collection of a variety of mini games that make use of the controller.

There's levels where you ride a beast in racing game, swing around a cow to see how far you can toss it, shake the controller on beat in music levels, shoot plungers at rabbits in cool FPS levels, slap outhouse doors closed, it rocks.
Nintendo faces Wii Remote wrist-strap class action lawsuit
US law firm Green Welling (GW) has filed a class action lawsuit against Nintendo, alleging the videogames pioneer breached its own product warranty by shipping its Wii games console with a Remote wrist-strap that breaks even when used as directed.

"The class action lawsuit seeks to enjoin Nintendo from continuing its unfair or deceptive business practices as it relates to the Nintendo Wii," the lawfirm stated. "The lawsuit also seeks an injunction that requires Nintendo to correct the defect in the Wii Remote and to provide a refund to the purchaser or to replace the defective Wii Remote with a Wii Remote that functions as it is warranted and intended."

GW is calling on interested parties to contact it via its website. Cue more - how shall we put it? - digitally enhanced injury pics showing hideous wounds allegedly inflicted by flying Wii Remotes. Have some people genuinely been hurt as a result of broken wrist-straps? Possibly, but proving negligence on Nintendo's part will be difficult. Ditto that damage to people and/or property is a direct result of a flaw in the Wii Remote strap. ®

So you drill your Wii remote into the cat, and it's a company in Japan's fault. Why am I not in the slightest suprised.

So you drill your Wii remote into the cat, and it's a company in Japan's fault. Why am I not in the slightest suprised.


If they cheaped-out in the manufacture of the strap and you're using it like it's supposed to be used....Yeah, it's their fault!

Much like it'd be the company's fault if your car's wheels fell off as you were turning out of the dealer's lot.
Does a baseball bat needs a strap anyway?
Does the wii needs one?
Is people dumb enough to not grab it properly?

Just some thoughts...
Bish, I doubt they were using it properly if they managed to swing it so hard the controller strap snapped. There are warnings plastered all over the screen before you even start playing a game to ensure that you not only strap yerself up, but to also restrain yerself from going apeshit. One wonders what the fuck they were doing ... clearly not practicing safe wii-ing, that's fer sure.
I want a Wii. Then I'd get the 'puter all to myself again. :lloyd:

Actually it does seem neat, and I might want to play with one - don't tell my kid. He's been trying to convert me for years (to games in general - I just don't like 'em)

But, it's not available around here yet. It was briefly on the 8th this month, but peeps tore it off the shelves. And, it's too damned expensive. 2600 NOK is more than I can afford for quite some time, and then there's another 500 NOK for Zelda. :mope:
Bish, I doubt they were using it properly if they managed to swing it so hard the controller strap snapped. There are warnings plastered all over the screen before you even start playing a game to ensure that you not only strap yerself up, but to also restrain yerself from going apeshit. One wonders what the fuck they were doing ... clearly not practicing safe wii-ing, that's fer sure.

Shit happens. Either plan for it or pay for it is a good company motto.

*How thick is that thing anyway?
And they planned for it. There are warnings plastered all over the game screen before you start playing. Strap on, hold firmly, etc, etc.

... that came out sounding wrong. :hmm:

The strap in itself is about 1cm thick. It's a sturdy lil' bugger. I'm the klutziest person I know, and I still haven't managed to thwack anything yet. ;)

At any rate, the strap has a thingie on it that you use to tighten so that it fits around yer wrist as well.