
:shrug:...not that I'll be able to afford a Wii anytime soon. Luckily...cause I tend to twist fate sometimes.

Hell, one New Years when i was still married, I managed to pop a friend of mine on the forehead with a wedding ring which flew off my finger as I was motioning toward the bar.
*This being the ring that I couldn't take off any other day and took a 1/2 bar of soap to remove once the divorce went through.
With each passing day I want a wii a little more...they sound so cool.
In my opinion Nintendo's always been the clear cut winner. I still play my super nintendo. Infact, I got Mario All Stars from my friend Vince for my birthday :D
I think this time Nintendo will win the console war.

I don't think anyone ever wins the console wars, they just swap the lead from time to time. Note that I have never had a game console (Unless you count the pong game I used to have when I was 20) so maybe my opinion is suspect.
So after a year of suffering, I finally got one. I also bought mario galaxy with it, now if only I could get Zelda (unavailable as of now).

Game play rules!!!
So after a year of suffering, I finally got one. I also bought mario galaxy with it, now if only I could get Zelda (unavailable as of now).

Game play rules!!!

Excuse me????? You've been married how long???? And you have time and energy to think about video games???? I think that you must be doing it wrong. Either that or you got sore and had to quit for a while?

So after a year of suffering, I finally got one. I also bought mario galaxy with it, now if only I could get Zelda (unavailable as of now).

Zelda is unavailable? I've been playing Mario off and on too. Great game.

I'd also recommend Zack & Wiki if you like figuring out puzzles, Fire Emblem if you like strategy, Metroid for FPS, Guitar Hero if you're into it, and I've been playing Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles lately which is good fun.

chcr said:
Excuse me????? You've been married how long???? And you have time and energy to think about video games????

My girlfriend plays the games with me and on her own.
Excuse me????? You've been married how long???? And you have time and energy to think about video games???? I think that you must be doing it wrong. Either that or you got sore and had to quit for a while?


No comment :D

spike, it was unavailable at several stores, it sells well and is buying season so it doesn't help. I might find one this weekend. I'll also look into the other titles you mentioned. Is there a Mario Kart yet?
I'm a little irked that the Wii has been out for well over a year now and yet they're just as scarce as they were last Christmas season... or all winter, spring, summer and fall, for that matter. I'm still as yet to see one in a store here and they're still being listed for $500-plus on craigslist.
I had no problem getting my wii, and I've walked into store many times since and seen them in stock. I have Wii Sports (comes with it), Wii PLay (LOVE cow racing), Super Paper Mario (SO FUN), and Mario Galaxy (haven't played yet, will bust it out when I finish paper mario or when someone comes over and I need a two player game since paper mario is one player).

There is no Mario Kart yet, it'll be out this spring AND you'll beable to play online!! WE CAN RACE EACH OTHER :banana:
G4 made a pretty funny Wii safety video:

Do not use the Wii remote to spread, butter, margarine, or other spreadable food items.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



Do not bury your wiimote in the ground and attempt to grow additional wiimotes

Do no substiture your wiimote for a child care specialist

Do not offer the wiimote as a burnt offering to your ancestors, the Nintendo wii was designed to be played by the living

Do not attempt to eat the wiimote, it is not edible

Oh man!
I'm a little irked that the Wii has been out for well over a year now and yet they're just as scarce as they were last Christmas season... or all winter, spring, summer and fall, for that matter. I'm still as yet to see one in a store here and they're still being listed for $500-plus on craigslist.

I got it for about US$480, and got about US$150 in electronic money (only spendable at the store, but on any item I want). I got mario galaxy with that money and I'm still waiting for wiimotes and nunchunks to arrive to that store so I can spend the rest of the money on it.

I spotted Zelda at another store yesterday, I might get it sometime later.

Too bad there isn't a Mario Kart yet, it is one of the MOST FUN multiplayer games I've ever seen. On the bright side, I still have too much ahead in mario galaxy and all of Zelda.
We've got Zelda which we haven't played (haven't been in a zelda mood), paper mario 2 & 3 (slowly playing through 3), mario galaxy, and a few other things. Love my wii! :love: