Wimmens in the workplace.


Well-Known Member
I've been vocal in the past about the appropriateness of wimmens in certain jobs. I don't think wimmen should be cops unless they're able to pass the same undiluted requirements as the men. Same for firefighters.

Well, I'm sitting here watching UFC and what do I see .... a fucking chick as the ref. What the Fuck. OK, it's a lightweight bout, but get fucking real. In these fights, the ref often has to physically intervene in the bout to separate the combatants ... termed 'saving'. Is this bitch really gonna dive between two guys slugging at each other?

I'm all for equal employment, but there's equal, and then there's stupid. I leave it to you to decide which you think this is.
Maybe she is willing and able to jump between them. You have no idea. If she's able and willing to perform the requirements of the job there is no reason she shouldn't have that job. You have no way of knowing if she's able and willing, so you have no place to judge.
as long as tax dollars isn't funding it, I let it go.

Some women are tom-boyish , and some like to be "beat, and made to feel cheap".
Not my business.
As long as she had to sign the same disclaimer all the other refs had to sign...
*snerk* @ RM's "poem" :roll2:

Maybe she is willing and able to jump between them. You have no idea. If she's able and willing to perform the requirements of the job there is no reason she shouldn't have that job. You have no way of knowing if she's able and willing, so you have no place to judge.

+ 1
I'm sure she can do the job
It ain't like she gotta beat em down to get em to stop
beatin' the crap out of each other

now that's it ok to be flamboyantly Ghey in the Military
When are they going to let gurls become Navy Seals?
Wow. Some peoples are feelin' a bit threatened. Sad, really.

When you say "women shouldn't be a <insert profession here>," you are just repeating a stereotype.
Y'all need to grow up and stop being afraid. :rolleyes:

I work in a predominantly male field. I am one of 3 women who works for our company (counting the 1 woman who is desktop support). No one gives any of us special treatment. Some of our older servers are hella heavy and none of the guys can lift them into the rack by themselves either. None of us were hired for our brute strength like a bunch of dumb animals anyway. We were hired for our brain skills and technical talents. :shrug:
val, the day that new rules stop being created in order to allow women into certain positions, the fight will finally be over. Today, the military, many police forces & other occupations have different rules for different genders. That's crap & blatantly unfair. Instead of changing the rules, or lowering the whole lot of them, set a standard & stick to it.
I don't have a problem with 'women in the workplace'.
I have a view that 'Ladies with small children in certain jobs' isn't good.

It's not about the lady, so much, it's more about the children.
val, the day that new rules stop being created in order to allow women into certain positions, the fight will finally be over. Today, the military, many police forces & other occupations have different rules for different genders. That's crap & blatantly unfair. Instead of changing the rules, or lowering the whole lot of them, set a standard & stick to it.
The standards are to measure fitness not brute strength.

Police Academy Requirements
"Body fat composition test: males-17%; females-23%."
Why the difference? Boobs and hips. Men have a lower body fat composition by nature. Low body fat in a woman begins to affect her reproductive functions (no menses, etc.).

A cop is supposed to use her/his brain in any and all situations. That's why the test is not just physical. The physical fitness test is only a part of entrance. A written (aptitude) test is the other part and is not separated by gender. Everyone takes the same test.

If the purpose of the fitness test was to measure brute strength then I would agree with you, but it isn't so I have to disagree with you on this aspect.

I take the same certification tests as any man I work with. There are no physical fitness requirements for my job (though I think I'm in much better condition than most of the guys I work with).
I don't have a problem with 'women in the workplace'.
I have a view that 'Ladies with small children in certain jobs' isn't good.

It's not about the lady, so much, it's more about the children.
That's ridiculous. If the welfare of very young children is the problem and the family can afford for one parent to stay at home then figure out which parent makes less and let that parent stay home. There are plenty of stay at home dads out there that figured out it would be more affordable to let the mother continue her career.

Unfortunately not many families have that kinda cash. Both parents have to work. That's a fact of life.

The view you are expressing is one that prevented a lot of women from moving up (and getting raises) in the workforce in the 70's. I'm glad your opinion is in the minority. I would face many unnecessary obstacles in my career if it were.
That's ridiculous. If the welfare of very young children is the problem and the family can afford for one parent to stay at home then figure out which parent makes less and let that parent stay home. There are plenty of stay at home dads out there that figured out it would be more affordable to let the mother continue her career.

Unfortunately not many families have that kinda cash. Both parents have to work. That's a fact of life.

The view you are expressing is one that prevented a lot of women from moving up (and getting raises) in the workforce in the 70's. I'm glad your opinion is in the minority. I would face many unnecessary obstacles in my career if it were.

I don't care what anybody says....If a child loses a mother, it's harder on them
than losing the father, and if it's a single mom...
Unfortunately not many families have that kinda cash. Both parents have to work. That's a fact of life.


My wife & I decided that a lesser lifestyle far outweighed a new car, a bigger, new house & a regular restaurant visit. We have lived off my income for the last 15 years. We live in the old city. We drive used cars. We can afford a new used car when the other one gets too beat up. Unfortunately, we can't both afford "new" cars. We don't take long luxurious vacations. We don't eat out (though, that's as much because we both cook & restaurants offer crap these days).

People often must make sacrifices in order to do what's right. They prefer to have some stranger raise their child in order to live in Bear Shits in the Woods Estates, drive that fancy Audi & nice Lexus, spend $5000. to vacation at DisneyWorld every year & to have all the trappings.

That's ok. Our homeschooled teenaged son is taking college classes, knows his family & never wonders why the little bimbo/big stud broke up his family. I just feel bad for his peers.
I don't care what anybody says....If a child loses a mother, it's harder on them
than losing the father, and if it's a single mom...

That's fucking bullshit. If I remember correctly you had both parents well into adulthood. Don't talk about shit you don't know anything about.
is that your way of saying you think you had a tough childhood?

It's my way of saying that if both your parents were alive well into your adulthood you have no way of knowing what it's like to lose a parent as a child. Therefore, you have no right to make statements that losing a mother is worse than a father, or vice versa. It has nothing to do with having a "tough" childhood, it has to do with you talking out of your ass.