Wind power...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
NEW YORK (Reuters) -- Taking another step forward in its effort to harness the wind to generate electricity, New York's Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) issued a request Wednesday for information from potential developers of wind farms in the ocean off Long Island's south shore.

"By harnessing the wind to generate electricity, Long Island will be taking a giant step forward in reducing its dependence on fossil fuel-generated electricity, which in turn will help reduce power plant emissions on Long Island," said LIPA Chairman Richard Kessel in a statement.

LIPA, the state-owned utility that serves some 1.1 million customers on Long Island, will later this autumn seek formal proposals from wind energy developers to build enough wind turbines in the Atlantic Ocean southeast of Long Island to generate about 100 megawatts (MW) of electricity.

One megawatt is enough to run about 1,000 average homes.

Now how many complaints are they going to get over the 'spoiled view'...
i saw tons of them in copenhagen, i think they're quite beautiful. and anyone who tells you they're noisy - i couldn't hear a darn thing :)
Same here. We have a few parks with those things...clean energy and they look good too...

But I still think that nuclear energy still is the best solution to solve the energy problems in the short term.
Until they find a good way to use energy produced by nuclear fusion...
Gato_Solo said:
Now how many complaints are they going to get over the 'spoiled view'...

Nobody, apparently. The article goes on to say:

The turbines would be built in a 314 square-mile band stretching three to six nautical miles off Long Island's south shore and east of Montauk Point, Long Island's easternmost land.

Montauk is largely uninhabited, the only thing out there is a lighthouse. This is a view from the top looking towards Connecticut: On a clear day, you can see Connecticut but there's not much else there.

LIPA has been talking about this for a long while. The winds out there can be pretty rough at times-I guess that's good!! Does anyone know where I can find pictures of them?
Views of what the blades look like are here. Can't say how they'll look until they're already up, though.
Thanks! Now I know what they'll look like-I've seen them before. Not locally, but in pictures somewhere. I think it would be cool too, all of them spinning at the same time...

It might draw more traffic out to Montauk Point too. That's always good.
on the drive, I10, between LA & Palm Springs, there are about a billion of them and, sadly, they don't do much to alleviate the problem. Wonderful concept, wholly useless, right now.
Just hook up a dozen polish truckers with cabbage and a keg into a dam level turbine. They should put up enough constant wind to wither steel plating.
Better than two bloody awful great concrete towers spewing smoke 24 hours a day...
we have them here ... have had for over 10 years. My brother is a windmill technician .. it's cleaner than fuel .. better than tapping into geothermal (which is just wrong here) ...
kuulani said:
Your brother is a windmill technician? Wow. I learned something today.

Boo to geothermal.

maybe I shoulda said "was" ... he doesn't work there anymore ... screwed his life all up ... which explains why I didn't brag about being impressed by my brother in your thread about Mike :D
Hm, hydro all the way! But, I still want my two towers. I don't care, I want a backup nuclear power plant. Without power, society is dead unless you are from Ohio. Or Arkansas. Or one of those places. :)
where i'm at in north central illinois right now there are a lot of people that are opposed to windmills going up. they are citing noise and the view as their reasons against it.
where i'm at in north central illinois right now there are a lot of people that are opposed to windmills going up. they are citing noise and the view as their reasons against it.
Hawaiian land in and of itself is part of the religious signifigance of everything in their spiritual makeup. The volcano networks are a direct extention of the goddess Pele and not to be mucked with. Anything geothermal would require a breach into this volcanic strata to a degree. It would be the eqivalent of putting an oil rig on top of the wailing wall or damming up the Valley of the Kings in Egypt to make a hydroelectric station. in a nutshell... it just wouldn't be kosher.
Valid question, puter. Unc basically got it right.

To us, as long as the volcano flows, Pele is alive and still reigning as its goddess. In short, geothermal energy is raping her energies.
Ok I guess I understand that. So do you still throw virgins in from time to time?