Window Into a Terror Suspect’s Isolation


Keep up the symantics and putting your spin on somebody elses opinion...

What symantics? I just read what you posted. What did you actually mean when you said "this dude was"?

You meant in your opinion he had an AK-47 and was camping with Al queada?
You can torture the hell out of American citizens without even charging them with a crime and totally ignore the Constitution, Bill of Rights, habeas corpus, etc. if you label them an "enemy".

Doesn't matter if they really are an "enemy" or not. Just throw a label around and you can do whatever the hell you want to them.
Yep. That's what's happening al right. We're just randomly picking American citizens & throwing them in the brig & making them terrorists. I'm so glad you made me see the light.
Yep. That's what's happening al right. We're just randomly picking American citizens & throwing them in the brig & making them terrorists. I'm so glad you made me see the light.

Is that what I said? Let me

We are torturing the hell out of American citizens without even charging them with a crime and totally ignoring the Constitution, Bill of Rights, habeas corpus, etc. by labeling them an "enemy".