windows bitch thread


Not really Banned
windows can suck my enourmous throbing...hand. I've been trying to make xp move the documents and settings folder from the D: drive to the C: drive, apparently I need to change every flippin' reference to D in the registry and there's a load of them. to make matters worse I'm trying to do it on a Thinkpad with the stupid control stick for a mouse. GAAAAA!:mad:

BTW, does anyone know of a way to resize ntfs partitions other than partition magic? i'd rather not have to aquire it.

I'm sure i'll have more bitching to do later, anyone else?
umm... mine's decided i don't have a 3d graphics card... that kinda sucks...

oh, and i could do some bitching about IIS, PHP and the WWW-Authenticate header... but i suspect that's more to do with my lack of clues than windows lack of sanity...

And if you find a way to resize partitions I'd be interested to hear it
tommyj27, sorry but I've no idea what you can do, mate, however what you need, Dan me ol' mucker, is PowerQuest Partition Magic. :)

I have a *ahem* copy round here somewhere that you can borrow.

[bullshit]Of course, I'll have to uninstall my copy first before you install it on your machine, then vice versa when you give it back to me[/bullshit]

i backed up the registry before i started this little endevour, i just checked the backup size, expecting ~45M, it says it's 2K, somehow i don't think 2k holds all 18 bazillion registry keys. isn't it interesting that microsoft has make system configuration as user-unfriendly as possible to keep everyone from figuring out what makes it tick.
On the bright side, I've now finished changing every instance of D:\Documents and Settings, D:\DOCUME~1, and /Volume2/ to reflect the folder's new home, I started before I created this thread so you do the math:mad:
I almost hope this doesn't work so I have a good reason to ditch the bitch:D, that being windows. Grrr.
doin' the happy dance! doin' the happy dance!
at least the semi happy dance as slackware loads onto a 2gb partition, it'll probably go on the full drive once i convince myself of the utter uselessness of windows. BTW, i tried removing some office components today, it failed because it couldn't access some network resource, now whenever i try to do anything, the office installer pops up and tries to load more stuff from the network, this happens about 10 times, then i can use xxxx program.
raise your hand if you're a big dummy!
/me raises hand :rolleyes:
when installing gentoo on your p3 laptop, it is not the best idea to download the cd image for your athlon xp desktop