Wish me luck


Well-Known Member
Cross yer fingers and your toes, rub the Buddha Belly of Wisdom, pray, knock wood, dance the holy dance of G'kahl..do whatever ya have to.
I've got an interview tomorrow afternoon and I want to hit them so hard that they'll get dizzy and sign me on before they recover their sences.

Wish me luck :)
I won't wish you luck but i'll open the beer and hand it to you after you get the job tommorrow.
Well, at least I've got one of their prerequisites down pat.

Strong english language skills...not as easy to find around here as you might imagine. Other than that, it's layout (Quark,Pagemaker,InDesign), copyediting, and some Flash.

They're all ticked off...so just so long as I don't blow the interview, I should be just fine :)

Thanks for all the votes of confidence.
MrBishop said:
Cross yer fingers and your toes, rub the Buddha Belly of Wisdom, pray, knock wood, dance the holy dance of G'kahl..do whatever ya have to.
I've got an interview tomorrow afternoon and I want to hit them so hard that they'll get dizzy and sign me on before they recover their sences.

Wish me luck :)

Spelling senses correctly would have been a better start.
OK...interview #1 is over. Primary...they hired an intermediary for testing and CV triage. I went through a bevy of tests and got a smile and a handshake as I left.

English Grammar/punctuation/etc. 98% (I still say that "Mr.Rogers and I" is more accepteable than Mr.Rogers and me. Idiotic test!

Typing: 46WPM with 93% accuracy...not too bad considering I'm jsut now teaching myself touch typing.

Office: Excel - 100% Word 98% (The don't allow macros and shortcuts but didn't tell me that), Access 85%, Photoshop 90%, Illustrator 80%, quarkXpress 100%..ditto Pagemaker and InDesign (Really stupid tests..a dabler could've scored in the high 80's)

So...they're passing my CV onto the Company doing the hiring..I should have another interview in about 4-5 business days. I'll letcha know how that one went. :)
Thanks again for the luck!
MrBishop said:
English Grammar/punctuation/etc. 98% (I still say that "Mr.Rogers and I" is more accepteable than Mr.Rogers and me. Idiotic test!
That depends on the context. Mike will have lunch with Mr. Rogers and me today. Mr. Rogers and I will have lunch with Mike today.
Inkara1 said:
That depends on the context. Mike will have lunch with Mr. Rogers and me today. Mr. Rogers and I will have lunch with Mike today.
Regardless...I believe that I made an impression that'll last :)