Woah! I just took me nearly 3 hours...

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
... to clean out Katie's bedroom! :eek:

It never ceases to amaze me how it only takes that kid seconds to make a mess and me hours to clean it up! The places she finds to hide her rubbish are mind-boggling... down the back of units I have difficulty moving, in between books in the bookcase, etc... even with a bin in the room! :disgust2:

Oh well it smells much sweeter now and we can see the floor so I'll just go and rest my aching back...
I used to go into my kids rooms and clean. I don't anymore, it's too scary.
Why doesn't she clean it up herself...unless she is too young.

If she isn't..don't clean it for her..you're only conditioning in her a positive reinforcement.:cool:
She's 13 but she has Down's Syndrome and a serious heart condition, so she might get it done by next century if I left her to do it all by herself. ;)
Oh..sorry...i should not have commented without knowing the whole situation...forgive my newbie jackassness:(
i'm 17 and can't keep a clean room.
my mom threatens to come clean it up, for me.
(that means she will throw everything away)
ash r said:

then again, she's been threatening that for the past, like, 5 years.

Just be thankful I'm not your mum, I wouldn't wait that long... 6 months at best... then I'd fumigate! :lol: ;) :D