Woman sues MTV over Jackass stunt

Confused? This is crack... not quaaludes. Better to say :.. oh, I must have you confused with some other paranoid little cheapskate pipe hitter moocher turdneck jackoff. Moving in on my bitches trying to talk down the price... for shame. Even Rhonda the 450lb skank with the bullet hole in her cheek wouldnt do it for so little.
no i just didn't understand. perhaps my reading skills just aren't up to par but i could make no sense out of it.
But I doubt she has a bullet hole in her cheek, Aaron. Not the same gal.

I lifted that line from a Doug Stanhope skit. Hes a PIP funny comedian that I discovered on XM radio. Hes got a website with about an hour of material on it. The one I used for here isnt on it though. I head that one on Sunday morning.
dont they run a disclaimer so that shit like this doesnt happen? and also i dont watch it for this reason: mtv has become jaded as hell and boring. it sucks. the shows can be good for a while but end up becoming the same thing week after week show after show. i miss the old mtv. the one that played music. and real music. not this n*suck,backdoor boys,69degrees, speared brittney, slutina agulaerra and such but good music. and the VJs were cooler.
I made it a full 5 minutes into that one before I ran away screeching like a barn owl complaining of brain liquefaction.
actully the vjs i was referring to were Kennedy,Matt Pinfield, Julie Brown and some others. Carmen Electra was hot as hell but she was to hyper for me. same with Jenny. Paulie Shore annoys me and i saw bio dome. i regret ever seeing it except it has the safety dance on it.