Wonders why....

It's called price gouging when small businesses do it, Squiggy. I don't know what you call it when the economic aristocracy does it. :shrug:
Prices didn't raise here yet. Should I expect an assault to my pocket? BTW did they find the culprit for the power outage?
Last I heard they were blaming it on Ohio. Don't really know the specifics, but basically a power plant there shut down, causing a huge drain on all the others on the grid, and they shut down.
Some refineries out west had production problems last month. The Big Power Outage helped the gas prices go up also. Lots of people demanded gas for generators.


p.s. The Big Power Outage is believed to have started with some transmittion lines that were overloaded in Ohio, which isn't normally something that would cause the grid to fail....but... then the relay's that notify system control of problems, well they failed. No one knew there was a problem till it was too late.
The Texaco next door is at $2.02, and it's actually come down about seven cents in the past week. The official reasons given for the increase are the fact that Iraq's new oil production hasn't gotten up to speed yet (America doesn't use much middle east oil but prices in one region affect prices in all regions), the increase in demand for Labor Day and the broken gas pipeline near Tucson that cut off Phoenix.