would you kill someone?

Re: the reason i ask...

nambit said:
was becasue i was totally "no, never", but we were chatting about it in the pub the other day and about 80% of the people there said they'd do it

shocked me; just thought i'd throw it out and see what everyone thought.

It's kind of a stupid question, and it really begs for a stupid answer. I think a lot of people answer in the affirmative just because they can't possibly take the question seriously, and figure they're supposed to provide the punchline. When I first saw it, my response was to roll my eyes. Of course I wouldn't kill someone for a million bucks! It was so obvious, I didn't even feel like answering the question. Later, I came back to the thread and saw some of the non-serious answers, so I posted a non-serious answer of my own. There is at least one person out there in the world whose obituary I can't wait to read. Put me in a hypothetical situation where I could kill that person and get away with it, and hypothetically, it sounds like fun. Does that mean I would ever do it in the non-hypothetical real world? Nah... probably not. :p
Spirit said:
Nambit - may I ask how old you are?

I am thinking age has a role to play in this question.

sure, i'm 23.

what were you thinking?

and it's not a question i was expecting an actual answer to... seemed like it could be an interesting topic of conversation, c'est tout.
OH!! :: laughing :: I thought maybe you were a little younger - sorry!!! :(

I think this question (for everyone else) was just a hypothetical "thrown out there" sort of thing and some of you kinda got your hair up about it!

I have heard similar questions before :)
Shadowfax said:
so that's an excuse to lower yourself to that level and be just like them?
it doesn't work that way, at least not for me...

No.... I just know myself well enough to know that I have the ability to completely switch off emotionally with strangers, but unfortunately not with people that I know. But since the question is purely hypothetical, unless I was actually faced with that situation I don't really know whether I would do it or not. I just made a guess that I might given the right circumstances.

I'm not an angel, I'm human and I accept that I have faults just like any other human.
Aunty Em said:
But since the question is purely hypothetical, unless I was actually faced with that situation I don't really know whether I would do it or not. I just made a guess that I might given the right circumstances.

That part reminds me so much the abortion thread ?(
Luis G said:
Aunty Em said:
But since the question is purely hypothetical, unless I was actually faced with that situation I don't really know whether I would do it or not. I just made a guess that I might given the right circumstances.

That part reminds me so much the abortion thread ?(

I see, so you prefer to limit yourself to one rigid viewpoint or way of doing things?
Aunty Em said:
I see, so you prefer to limit yourself to one rigid viewpoint or way of doing things?

No, it's just that you wrote almost the same in that thread, i do not know what would i do unless i'm forced to live that situation.
Luis G said:
Aunty Em said:
I see, so you prefer to limit yourself to one rigid viewpoint or way of doing things?

No, it's just that you wrote almost the same in that thread, i do not know what would i do unless i'm forced to live that situation.

I can't say that I'm definately going to do something or that I'm definately not. I've said that in the past and when faced with the actual situation I've done the exact opposite to what I said I would. I can't predict exactly what I will do until it happens but I will take the appropriate action when it does.

I've learnt from experience not to be rigid in acheiving my long-term goals, that's the way to ill health both mentally and physically. If life drops something nasty in my way then I find a way round it, I don't have to stick to one path to get where I want to be, there are many others. Perhaps that's why I've survived the difficulties I've had whereas someone less flexible would buckle completely under the strain. I don't know. :shrug:
Aunty Em said:
No.... I just know myself well enough to know that I have the ability to completely switch off emotionally with strangers...
What about intelectually? I mean I could switch off my feelings aswell, but what would I do with the perception that I'm taking one's life out? In the end you can acknowledge that person has so much right to living as yourself. Above all things the moral equation would weigh enough to prevent me from doing it, even if I had no feelings at all...
AlladinSane said:
What about intelectually? I mean I could switch off my feelings as well, but what would I do with the perception that I'm taking one's life out? In the end you can acknowledge that person has so much right to living as yourself. Above all things the moral equation would weigh enough to prevent me from doing it, even if I had no feelings at all...

To me pressing a button is not the same as holding a gun to someones head and pulling the trigger. I find the second physically repugnant. Morality is a set of standards set by contemporary society and if you don't give a damn about them then how can they affect you intellectually?

I care about what I think of me or what my friends think of me, but I don't care what society thinks and I don't see why I should be bound by their rules of conduct.
heres something from both a psych class and from a philosphy class. would you press the button if the guy yelled(you dont see him/her and dont know whether its an act or not) and would you do it for money? that was a real experiment. the actual act to me of killing is disgusting. people have a right to live and a right to die of they so choose the choice should never be made for them.