Would you like that super-sized?

Hot tea for breakfast, minimal sugar.
treadmill/hike for 5 miles (8 km)
1st meal ~200 calories all protein/vitamins/thermal stack
go to the gym for 90 minutes-2 hours weight training
2nd meal ~200 calories all protein
wait 2-3 hours
3rd meal ~200 calories all protein/vitamins/thermal stack
more hiking if I felt like I had enough energy to do so.

all in all... just being alive would have consumed 1500 calories. I added another 1500-2000 in exercise and only took in about 750-900 calories a day. That created a deficit of ~2500 calories equaling about 5 pounds of weight loss per week.

It was rough going. I had trouble concentrating on even minute tasks because of total blood sugar crash and burn.
Sounds painful. But then again pain is good, it lets you know you're alive. I'd do what you did if only i had the time and willpower.
Well done. I salute you.
kawaii...at 6" 180ish, i don't see where you have much to lose....unc neither, at this point......
I do still have a gut... but thats about all. I figure that I still have another 25 pounds to go... if I bother. I want a friggin pizza.
I was 280 too, now 6'2" 220

if I get to 200, my doc gets angry, too skinny for my body type

want to be 210
unclehobart said:
Hot tea for breakfast, minimal sugar.
treadmill/hike for 5 miles (8 km)
1st meal ~200 calories all protein/vitamins/thermal stack
go to the gym for 90 minutes-2 hours weight training
2nd meal ~200 calories all protein
wait 2-3 hours
3rd meal ~200 calories all protein/vitamins/thermal stack
more hiking if I felt like I had enough energy to do so.

all in all... just being alive would have consumed 1500 calories. I added another 1500-2000 in exercise and only took in about 750-900 calories a day. That created a deficit of ~2500 calories equaling about 5 pounds of weight loss per week.

It was rough going. I had trouble concentrating on even minute tasks because of total blood sugar crash and burn.
You realise starving yourself like that will make you fatter in the long run... when you starve yourself your metabolism slows and your body starts to conserve energy, when you start eating normally again your body is still storing extra energy, meaning you gain more weight than you lost even if you continue with a balanced diet.
Negative. Overdosing on protein keeps the body from going into the starvation reflex. Proper vitamins keep the body well nourished. The thermal stack actually makes the metabolism speed up, if only for the short term. Also, the general pattern of 3-5 hours of exercise per day is doing only good as well. I've been eating normally for the last 10 days and had no weight gain for the effort. I don't think its possible to be fatter than I was. I dare say I would see it coming and take appropriate action to recitfy it again. After 6 months it has become full blown metabolic reprogramming, not merely a diet.
Unc - what exactly is a thermal stack?

As for me I have a prtein shake in the mornings because I leave home at 06h30, so breakfast is usually at about 06h00 and if I eat anything bigger than that I feel sick. And lunch is the same 'cos I'm too busy for anything else. At dinner I have some veggies or a salad with a piece of meat (I've completely changed my diet because the way I was eating was making me feel ill).

I don't use any sugars because I don't like the taste and carbs and fats don't really feature because I feel too heavy and bloated after eating any.

I don't think obesity is really a problem in my family. But I am worried about other degenerative diseases. My grandmother died of complications from diabetes, one grandfather died as a result of Parkinsons and the other grandpa died of cancer. I've recently been tested for diabetes because my blood sugar levels are all buggered up. So once I have the results I will sit down with my doctor and nutritionist to work out a diet that might help with stabilising that.

And as far as exercise goes I do some cardio (no treadmill though - it's kills my shins) and weight exercises.
i just don't eat anymore...not like i'm trying...i just told myself that i was only going to eat when i was legitimatly hungry...so sometimes i just forget...i never go a whole day without food...i usually eat once or twice a day....figured that my body tells me what it needs and it just doesn't need much food.
Thermal stacks are either a pill or drink supplement designed to spike ones metabolism. They are a blend of all kinds of goodies that have shown to have some effects upon the way the body holds fat, releases fat, caloric burn rate, appetite control, and bestow energy. All thermal stacks must contain caffeine, various pepper and hot spice essences to raise the body temp and supposedly bring the body that much closer to breaking out in a full blown sweat and get into highest gear, and salicin (aka aspirin) which somehow has a spiking or sharpening effect upon the whole effect. After that, they fill it up with all manner of minor supplements that seem to have fundamental links to the whole metabolic game ... l-carnitine, l-tyrosine, green tea extract, grape seed extract, alpha lipoic acid ... all kinds of goodies. They tend to be a bit harsh on the system and take some getting used to... but all of the weight lifters swear by it... as do I.