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the homeowners worst fears were confirmed. the shredding of the drapes and the knocked over plants were not the results of the cats nature, but rather on orders from the gerbil.
SexyBoo said:
This may not generate a lot - but I just can't resist seeing what you all come up with!

George the gerbil made a mental note to come back as dog in his next life
SHITTTTT! If we had one more guy, we might be able to push that off!

Over the tank and threw the hills, to grandma's house we go!
[in a nature documentary voice]
"Here we see the mating ritual of the lesser spotted abrahms....notice our camera crew setting up for a close up shot to catch this wonderful act"
OK, now you crawl under there and tie the rope around the squirrels leg and we'll pull him out.

Bumper Sticker: We Break For Squirrels! :lol2: