Yes, the sky fell on the flying pigs that were migrating from the frozen hell.

Camelyn said:
Um, noticed that a PM will quote back *everthing* from the previous message, quote-back after quote-back, ad-infinitum. Makes for a *really* long PM after a couple of rounds, unless you remember to edit...

Is there any way to fix that? Unless y'all are digging it :D
I'm NOT digging it... scrolling down forever to find the friggin last reply is annoying... guess I'll just have to get used to editing every single reply I get :eh:'ll take some getting used to.
It's really great and all...but.

Aww fuckit! It ROCKS!!!:swing:
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I'm NOT digging it... scrolling down forever to find the friggin last reply is annoying... guess I'll just have to get used to editing every single reply I get :eh:
Im looking into that, but right now i havent found a way to stop it from all the quoting. :(
Kawaii said:
Attached is a temporary banner. Use it if you want to.
edit: Changed format to gif.
I'll let fury do that one. Thats a little more than what anyone wants me to do. specially if you want to be able to post when im done.
You may choose to allow other users to download a vCard containing your email address and username.

If you want to keep your email address private, do not allow vCard downloads.
whats this??
samcurry said:
ok i set it to 5 minutes lets see if it works.
Nah, I think you're thinking of the time it takes for our cookies to expire (and thus the New Posts expire). Maybe not. It looks like the Who's Online is a session length, maybe tracked elsewhere?
I don't know if this is across the board or just me, but attachments posted before the upgrade go nowhere... anyone else have this?
I'd like to take a moment to remind everyone that the upgrade/extra effort expended to make this board as efficient and enjoyable as possible for us all were on a completely volunteer basis, and took up, as well as continue to take up a great deal of personal time and bandwidth. My thanks and appreciation to those who thought to thank those doing the gruntwork.