You Lie!


Well-Known Member
Still one more time.

"Misrepresented", my ass.


Experts Say White House 'Misrepresented' Views to Justify Drilling Moratorium

Published June 10, 2010 |

The seven experts who advised President Obama on how to deal with offshore drilling safety after the Deepwater Horizon explosion are accusing his administration of misrepresenting their views to make it appear that they supported a six-month drilling moratorium -- something they actually oppose.

The experts, recommended by the National Academy of Engineering, say Interior Secretary Ken Salazar modified their report last month, after they signed it, to include two paragraphs calling for the moratorium on existing drilling and new permits.

Salazar's report to Obama said a panel of seven experts "peer reviewed" his recommendations, which included a six-month moratorium on permits for new wells being drilled using floating rigs and an immediate halt to drilling operations.

"None of us actually reviewed the memorandum as it is in the report," oil expert Ken Arnold told Fox News. "What was in the report at the time it was reviewed was quite a bit different in its impact to what there is now. So we wanted to distance ourselves from that recommendation."

Salazar apologized to those experts Thursday. (Well, that should make it all better. - j)

"The experts who are involved in crafting the report gave us their recommendation and their input and I very much appreciate those recommendations," he said. "It was not their decision on the moratorium. It was my decision and the president's decision to move forward."

In a letter the experts sent to Salazar, they said his primary recommendation "misrepresents" their position and that halting the drilling is actually a bad idea.

The oil rig explosion occurred while the well was being shut down – a move that is much more dangerous than continuing ongoing drilling, they said.

They also said that because the floating rigs are scarce and in high demand worldwide, they will not simply sit in the Gulf idle for six months. The rigs will go to the North Sea and West Africa, possibly preventing the U.S. from being able to resume drilling for years.

They also said the best and most advanced rigs will be the first to go, leaving the U.S. with the older and potentially less safe rights operating in the nation's coastal waters.

Fox News' William LaJeunesse contributed to this report.
So..Obama needs to listen and kowtow to the oil execs now, Jim?

Great..the oil execs think that a moratorium on drilling is a bad shit, sherlock!

The oil rig explosion occurred while the well was being shut down
The rig explosion happened 20 hours after the cement base to secure the rig in place was considered 'done' by Halliburton. Not 'being shut down' by any stretch of the imagination.
Bish, do you think that oil execs need to listen or kowtow to the President?
Salazar is from my state and he is a known environmental extremist. We knew he would be trouble the moment he was chosen for the post.
Bish, do you think that oil execs need to listen or kowtow to the President?

I think that the laws are too lax and allow too many loopholes when it comes to safety..lest we forget that people died on that rig before it became an environmental nightmare. I think that the laws/reg were whittled away in order to allow oil companies to make more money.

I think that the oil companies shouldn't be kowtowing.. but if they want to play on your field they need to play by your rules or find another field to play in. Simple, eh.
I'll agree with Bish on this. There are laws. They should be followed. I'd rather BP clean it and face applicable charges.
I think that the oil companies shouldn't be kowtowing.. but if they want to play on your field they need to play by your rules or find another field to play in. Simple, eh.

They're awfully close to international waters now.

Put them back on land, or in the shallows, where such clean-ups aren't so hazardous.

I am curious, do you know of any specific laws that have been broken in regards to this explosion & subsequent leak?
The deaths of the workers as well as clean water act have been brought up. The deaths being negligence or manslaughter
Are you suggesting that BP intentionally allowed their half-a-billion dollar rig to get destroyed?

Clean water act...I'm fairly certain that an accidental oil leak, as a result of a catostrophic explosion, wouldn't fall under that.
If his mouth is moving he's lying.

Cheney and Bush swan under there and blew it up.
I have pictures.
The negligence and manslaughter would mean it was accidental but should have been avoided. The clean water act as far as I can tell is how they handled the spill clean up and the info they gave
Since BP didn't build the rig or pour the concrete, where's the offense?

Who could have handled the clean up any better? I've heard that BP suggested other methods very early on & the administration told them they had better ideas.

Of course, the federal government had a plan, in place, and did nothing to implement it. Should the administration be held for negligence?
When the administration told BP that they had "48 hours" I thought "Or what?" Is the government going to send BP packing and take over the containment/sealing of the leak? Will they bring in their vast array of technology that has heretofore been left unavailable to BP?
They Lie You believe it.

If that had been done
that durn hole would have been plugged in the first week.

And why do you think this hasn't happened yet?
you have recent info that Chaney has some kind of ties, stock or something in
some of the companies or something?
I just heard the pres. say again...
"this is the worst ecological disaster in American history".
I question that.

He also said this is the largest response. I also question that.

Sounds like More, making up of history.
I don't think he knows history, or even want to look at true documentation.