New Member
ANYone who can make it so I don't have to see those skanky assed Britney/Lindsay/Paris/Nicole whoeverthehellelse whores

ANYone who can make it so I don't have to see those skanky assed Britney/Lindsay/Paris/Nicole whoeverthehellelse whores
Jesus. You do like the scary ones don't you tonks
And yes that does include you Hobart.
Jesus wept - don't you just want to lick his belly button?
Jesus wept - don't you just want to lick his belly button?
Is this soccer? I don't get that here. Fraid I won't be able to give a damn one way or t'other. Sorry.
We love you, Scanty...just not silly overpaid ball kickers![]()
Now if its a boy... hmm... something like !!CORBA!! ... just like that... 4 exclamations and all caps... nice legal name...
His name should have been Comma Chameleon.
As for the Beckhams... I don't think they'll be able to permeate every facet of our lives the way they have over there. They're not new and unknown over here the way the Beatles were, for example.