You miss me?


Active Member
Probably not as I'm a relative newbie but I have been stuck in a hovel miles away from my house with no way of getting on line for the last week. Thankfully I'll be well paid for it.

Got some catching up to do I think...
[nonchalant look]Woooohooo! she remembered me!!!![/nonchalant look]

So what's the gossip then? Did I miss anything cool? missed more random fun. you missed....damn if i can think of anything besides a good coversong thread, a discussion on brazillian wax, one on 'beating meat', and unc's 10,000th post (plus his new tv set)...just the normal stuff, i'd say... :swing:
and I'll go crawling right away again.

Got one more week working in the hell-hole they call Maidstone with no access to the net.

Ah well, at least they sell beer there.
Missed you terribly babe - shit, I thought you'd dropped off the face of the earth! Didn't see you around anywhere! But the PM explained it.... teehee, I'll take this as an opportunity to let you forget about our little bet :winkkiss:
And I just saw that yer mobile has been disconnected, so I assume you won't be replying to the text then?

Bah - why the hell do you agree to voluntarily go to hell? By the time you're able to communicate with the outside world again I'd probably have forgotten what I wanted to say!

BTW, is this why yer lovey hasn't been around either, or is she just busy with the studies? Tell het I miss her too yeah.
I is back again now and no I haven't forgotten about the bet, I'm expecting lots of emails any time now! :p