You say Tom-ay-to, I say Sal-mon-el-la


Well-Known Member
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - McDonald's Corp, Wal-Mart Stores Inc and other restaurant and grocery chains have stopped selling certain tomatoes as U.S. health officials work to pinpoint the source of a Salmonella outbreak.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Saturday warned U.S. consumers that the outbreak was linked to eating certain raw red plum, red Roma, and red round tomatoes, and products containing these tomatoes.

The agency, which first warned consumers about the risk on June 3, has not yet identified the source of the contaminated tomatoes.

As of Saturday, FDA said there had been 145 reported cases, including at least 23 hospitalizations, related to the outbreak since mid-April. The infections were caused by Salmonella Saintpaul, an uncommon type of the bacteria.

Salmonella bacteria are frequently responsible for food-borne illnesses. Symptoms generally appear within 12 to 72 hours after eating infected food and include fever, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

Infants, the elderly and those with weakened immune systems are more likely than others to develop severe illness, which can be deadly unless treated with antibiotics.

The FDA has said that it is safe to eat cherry tomatoes, grape tomatoes and tomatoes sold with the vine still attached, or tomatoes grown at home.

McDonald's, the world's largest restaurant chain, said on Monday it has temporarily stopped serving sliced tomatoes on its sandwiches in the United States.

Just another excuse for some fat-ass to say "See...I toldja them vegetables were bad for ya." ;)
Oh so close...

You forgot to add picked by before Mexicans.

Meanwhile, my own t'mater plants is lookin right healthy. Staked 'em tonight in fact. Corn comin in real good too. Beans...not so much. Too early to tell on the rest.
Does it reaslly warm enough for decent tomatoes up there? I know it's not Canuckistan with the year round parka wearing igloo living but western Washington is not a warm zone.
Does it reaslly warm enough for decent tomatoes up there? I know it's not Canuckistan with the year round parka wearing igloo living but western Washington is not a warm zone.

You have to be picky with the types, but otherwise they do well up here.
I have 15 plants going strong in my garden. 10 'garden variety' and 5 amerindians. They're doing well, despite the storm we had yesterday.
just another example that our FDA has been bought also, and is a joke.

Also one more reason I'm growing more of my own stuff.
They're gonna be Mexican 'maters. Just wait.

Doubt it, Mexican fields are not producing enough even for domestic consumption. We are actually importing food from you guys now.

But it doesn't surprise me that every problem with your food is blamed on Mexico, typical attitude :rolleyes:
Does it reaslly warm enough for decent tomatoes up there? I know it's not Canuckistan with the year round parka wearing igloo living but western Washington is not a warm zone.

usually right now it's 75 and sunny. today it's rainy and may hit 60. it's like early spring never went away. lots of people here get good tomatoes, though it seems like a lot of them do come from CA or BC (though the latter seem to be "hothouse" grown).

western washington is mild year round. never really cold, never really hot.
McDonalds', the world's largest restaurant chain, said on Monday it has temporarily stopped serving sliced tomatoes on its sandwiches in the United States.

That's from the first posts news story. I tried to do it in a quote box but it kept messing up on me.

I didnt' know mcDonalds served sliced tomatos on any of their sanwiches. I dont eat there much because its' just not very good usually, but I don't remember them on anything they sell.
From memory (and it's been YEARS since I had a McDs burger of any kind), I think all you could taste was the pickles anyway, so it wouldn't surprise me that you couldn't remember/taste the tomato. Welcome btw. :)
From memory (and it's been YEARS since I had a McDs burger of any kind), I think all you could taste was the pickles anyway, so it wouldn't surprise me that you couldn't remember/taste the tomato. Welcome btw. :)

they're actually fun road food. you stop and get some, eat 'em up, and then see how far you get before you need to make another stop and shit your guts out. last time, i made it 30 yards or so.
Holy shit... I never got the trots from burgers. Pizza hut... yeah. Burgers... no. WTF are they stickin' in those yankee burgers?