Active Member
That pic is nothing when you see what they do with 11 year olds here where I live.
umm... ok
That pic is nothing when you see what they do with 11 year olds here where I live.
"Well, yeah, I hacked her account and stole her photos and threatened to sell them, and got her in all kinds of hot water with Disney, but I'd didn't think anyone would arrest me for it..."
Me or the cat? My name is Tonks or Tonksy...some call me Tracy but that usually means you know me irl. The cat, while technically nameless, is saved under blinkycat.
], it's called blinkycat because it is a "blinky", a graphic used in some forum signatures, and it's a cat.
If it has to have a name I would prefer something more...dignified. Beatrix will do.
You guys don't go on myspace do you?...this is tame compared to what 15 yr olds put up under their own discretion.
You guys don't go on myspace do you?...this is tame compared to what 15 yr olds put up under their own discretion.
You guys don't go on myspace do you?...this is tame compared to what 15 yr olds put up under their own discretion.
So what are you, 15, 16,maybe 17, most people out of college use face book, i don't use either at all, well scrath that i use the gayspace as a glorified email.
Do they ever post pics of their mothers? *AB is getting old.