Your dream hoiday destination...


New Member
Where would you go? (damn... thats meant to say holiday... :mope: )

If money, commitments (no ankle biters/rug rats or elderly relies to care for) environmental issues (airplanes linked with global warming? Meh!) were no object or obsticle...

If you could go anywhere... with anyone... for any amount of time where would it be and why?

(Purely cos I'm nosey!) :bgtup:
Me go first....


What was Old Kyoto and Edo districts in particular...

I'd like to go with... em... I'd go with... I'd probably go alone... so it would be a real personal adventure...

I've always wanted to go there as I've always been interested in the very distinct Japanese culture and heritage...

And you think I'm (more) crazy... but I was once told I was a Geisha in a past life by a spiritualisty type person... I think they're called charlatons! ;) So I want to really explore the once "floating world" or the tea house and Geisha schools.
i kind of want to go to india... i go back and forth on that.

Oooh.. yeah...

Friend of mine always wanted to move out to Goa (is that the spelling? :shrug:) Huge Brit Expat community out there but the Goan government have started to take the houses and land back off the none natives!!!! Some people have lived there over 30 years!

Thats another discovery holiday... :thumbup:
i would definitely go to germany again. i went there in '04... some of you may remember (from my postings from crappy internet kiosks) i was kind of miserable, because i had never really been out of the country before, the culture is so different, and despite what everyone seems to say, NOT everyone speaks english in germany, especially if you're in bum-fuck-nowhere in bavaria! my little snippets of high-school german didn't see me through very well :(
but last year i went to france, (and i didn't know ANY french, past oui and non, really!) and had a great time, and i think it was because i knew what to expect better... i knew it would be different, and to expect to feel isolated (which i ended up not feeling), and just... it wasn't nearly as emotionally weird. i think that if i went to germany again, i would be able to enjoy it a lot more, knowing better what to expect. my parents did... they went back, and had more fun because the hard part -- figuring everything out -- had already been done.
i want to go with my friend who is into german stuff like i am (we both come from families with a lot of german heritage), we want to travel around and see different parts... it would be awesome.
I'll go anywhere. There is always something worth seeing anywhere.

I would like to see Egypt and India and Bali before I am gone.
there are a lot of places i'd love to see, but they're SOOOO different, i feel hesitant... thats why i go back and forth on india. like you, tonks, id love to see egypt. i want to go to borneo, also.

(lol, i come from a travel-y family... i'm sure you understand!)
The Galapagos Islands.

Oh yeah! :thumbup:

Good call...

Actually I was thinking the Antarctic too...

With me... a huge professional team... I'd hope!

Because its the most desolate yet beautiful place on Earth... Nothing to do with dancing penguins... well... only a little to do with dancing penguins! :blush:

(depending on politial climate)


What was Old Kyoto and Edo districts in particular...

google "gaijin smash", and read the blog shows a interesting western viewpoint AND a way you can visit there for free (English Teacher)
We're doing the Germany thing next year (Berlin). Gonna have a holiday in Tokyo on the way. Hopefully in time for the cherry blossoms. :D
Tenochtitlan (See the Aztec pyramids).
Egypt (see those too).
Easter Island.

Mt. Kilamanjaro and Everest
- I'd like to climb them, but ti's spendy and time-consuming to say the least.
I am so not a mountain climber. The problem with mountain tops is they put them so high up. I'd be happy hanging out at base camp enjoying the nature though, as long as it isn't too...erm, rustic.
Just came back from northern Spain - the Pyrenees. Lots of hiking and climbing to be had there. There's something to be said for being above the clouds without having to eat airplane food :)
Another vote for Japan.
Angkor Wat.
Europe, specifically Paris, Amsterdam, Geneva, Berlin, etc...
Been to London but it was a long time ago and I'd like to go again.
Tonksy has it right though, there's new stuff to see anywhere you've never been before. I'm very good at being a tourist.

Note that a friend recently returned from Machu Picchu. She says it was horrifyingly commercialized but she's kind of new agey and shit.