Your house/apartment...

tommyj27 said:
must have gotten purged in one of the great OTC disk space crunches. here's some new fodder.

Dude...what happened to your chair? :eek:

BTW...make up your bed, ya' slob. :p :lloyd:
cheap best buy chair + far too many hours with my ass plastered in that chair = torn up chair. there's also a bolt inside that sticks up really far, every so often i'll sit on it wrong and end up with a painful welt on my ass for a week. once i become gainfully employed again i'm taking a trip to ikea and the desk and chair are gone.

and as far as the slobbery, that was the most complimentary angle i could get for the picture.
tommyj27 said:
cheap best buy chair + far too many hours with my ass plastered in that chair = torn up chair. there's also a bolt inside that sticks up really far, every so often i'll sit on it wrong and end up with a painful welt inside my ass for a week. once i become gainfully employed again i'm taking a trip to ikea and the desk and chair are gone.

Are you sure you want to say it out loud like that? :eek:

tommyj27 said:
and as far as the slobbery, that was the most complimentary angle i could get for the picture.

I hope you don't have empty pizza boxes scattered around as well...:sick: