Your school was never this cool.


All we had for decor was paper snowflakes, a grungy plastic alphabet and the ever-present haze of chalk dust in the air...
Surely you remember the cardinal rule numero uno in Star Trek. Anyone in a red shirt is dead meat before the first commercial.
Never liked star trek, had to wear uniforms to school most of my life...But, if my school had a computer room like that-maybe would have went to class more often.... :lloyd:
Imagine going there in your high school years STONED!!!!!
But Mom, I REALLY did get BEAMED UP today!!!! :lol2:
I would probably have enjoyed school a lot more if I would have had a classroom like that. I was never crazy about star trek myself either, but a classroom like that would have been cool
yeah i used to be into star trek but i kind of lost interest...
but it would still be a kick ass classroom...
If that were my old school everthing that wasn't bolted down would've been stolen the first day :D

We had cool decor at our school tho'..........prolly the most diverse collection of graffiti and dried old bubblegum outside of the NY subway ;)
chcr said:
"Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor not a babysitter!"

Sadly I'll admit I'm a fan of the show(s) but this might do some damage to those poor kids brains! Like most wannabe capt. kirks! It reminds me too much of the insane guy in senior trip who has a blow up doll of uhura and his own tricorder (mini audio recorder). Not to mention his room is a cardboard lookalike of the bridge of the original enterprise! "Oh the humanity" comes to mind!