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Aunty Em said:She sounds normal to me. If we were meant to be stick insects we wouldn't have tits or bums. It's all the fashion designers who think we should look flat chested with no hips. Real women aren't like that, but advertisers try to indoctrinate us from an earlier and earlier age and then we wonder why our kids get anorexia and bulimia? Ban the adverts I say!
You can't blame it on the fashion designers as if women were helpless automatons being programmed by the images they see on a TV screen. Men get bombarded with the same images but the majority of them don't go along with that ideal of beauty.
In the first place, they don't want a woman with no ass or tits unless they're still carrying the ideal of beauty that they had in grade school. The technical term for that condition is 'pedophillia'. In the second place, they're not stringent about a woman meeting exacting standards of height, weight and proportion unless they are obsessive perfectionists. The technical term for that condition is 'anal retentive.'
I think a lot of women go along with the Madison Avenue ideal of beauty because it gives them precedence over other women. They use it to establish a pecking order. It's a universally accepted way of measuring themselves against other women. "Ha! My ass may be large, but it's smaller than hers!"
Women might also compare themselves to others on the basis of wealth, intelligence, moral character, etc, but beauty trumps everything. It's the rock bottom measurement. The one thing that women want no matter what else they have.
Men use strength/size for the same thing. It's typically measured as the ability to kick someone else's ass. Like beauty for women, being able to kick someone's ass trumps everything. Said smugly: "See that prick with the BMW and the Armani suit? I kicked his ass in high school." Intelligence doesn't matter either, because any debate can be decided by kicking the other guy's ass. Trial by combat: "See, I was right, 'cause I kicked your ass." This is why Bill Gates sometimes lies in bed at night thinking about that asshole he knew in high school, and thinking, "damn, I wish I had kicked his ass!"
Back when I was doing construction work, I got into a shoving match with this guy at work and ended up firing him. He lost his job for being an asshole, but he was going around afterwards telling people, "if I see him again I'm going to kick his ass!" That was all the consolation he needed for being a sorry, no-job-having motherfucker.