Your TV habits - addicted to the opiate for the masses?


  • I don't own a TV or might as well not own one for the little that I use it

    Votes: 5 19.2%
  • I watch about 1-2 hours a week

    Votes: 5 19.2%
  • I watch a few specific shows (about 3-7 hours/week)

    Votes: 6 23.1%
  • I watch several shows weekly (7-15 hours/week)

    Votes: 6 23.1%
  • I watch TV wether it's something that I want to see or not (1-3 hours a day)

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • The TV has an off button? (4-12 hours/day)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
The Boob-tube
The Idiot-magnet
The Porteable babysitter... get the idea. TV has gotten a bad rap for years. It'll rot your brains etc...

Recently, another study has joined the plethora of others in attacking television. This one was about the increased chances of developing ADD in children who watch too much TV.


I'm not going to start an argument about that particular one, but I am curious about your viewing habits.

At deBish Palace, the TV might be on for about 1 hour/month...unless it's for watching rented movies. We prefer reading...I like it that way, and I don't really miss TV all that much. The majority of it is mindless humour, violence or sexual explicitness.

How about you?
Probably 4, but it's on on the background a lot. OTOH, I spend a bunch of time reading as well, at least 2 hours a day.
4 for me as well, but it has to be something I want to watch. My average is probably down recently as I'm working toward an MCSE.
Yeah, I'd say number 4 for our house too. More videos than shows though. We have gone for turning it off completely for a month or two at a time during the school year though.
Thread/poll fixed :headbang:

I don't watch TV AT ALL except when watching a DVD or rented movie.
Not at all unless i plug it into my comp to watch movies/anime. I find it frustrating to watch TV because i can't affect the content of what is being displayed as i can when using the computer.
I watch a couple of specific shows - but no more than a couple of hours per week. It seems like life has become too hectic to allow time for mind-numbing television watching like I used to do in college. :)
somewhere between 2 and 3 for me...i have shows i like but i miss them all the time. basically, i watch the history channel, or discovery, or animal planet...and movies.

my kids watch tv in the mornings and evenings (sometimes) the watch either disney channel morning cartoons or nickelodeon cartoons or animal planet. all kinda educational...cept for spongebob...but he's comic relief.

Only ever switch the thing on if summit dramatic is on the news.

If the microdudes are here then they usually watch a dvd/video or summit (or use it for playstation).....pretty much the only reason I keep the telly.
I don't have any shows that I really watch although I have been catching The Simpsons lately cuz my family is obsessed with them. I do however watch a lot of movies since I am home a lot and stuff.
I watch a few specific shows - Sopranos, Simpsons, SportsCenter, That 70's Show. That's about it, unless it's football season when I can watch 9+ hrs of TV on sunday and 3+ hrs on monday night.

Kurt Vonnegut and Cisco Press books are almost always more entertaining than TV.

So...what do people think about this new evil that's been tossed onto TV's overladen back?

Does TV cause ADD or is it just increasing at a similar rate adn there's no actual correlation?
I went with no. 5, but the vast bulk of that is news, or just having it on in the background to break upt he silence.
MrBishop said:
So...what do people think about this new evil that's been tossed onto TV's overladen back?

Does TV cause ADD or is it just increasing at a similar rate adn there's no actual correlation?
ADD is often misdiagnosed by doctors and are kids and they have oodles of energy and short attention spans...they need to run and jump and play. i am not discounting ADD, i know it truly exists, but i think it has become the scapegoat for the lack of discipline or general unrulyness of children.
None of those really apply to me. Generally I watch news when I eat then I turn it off. But if its basketball season I might watch tv all day. Other then that the only thing Ill do is turn it on when im bored and flip through the news channels then Ill try history channel/discover channel/pbs/food channel. if emeril is on or maybe iron chef ill watch it for more then 5 minutes. if not ill fall asleep.
i watch the news every day and there are 2 or 3 regular shows that i tape to filter out the ads. we watch alot of movies on cable or DVD and i watch a fair amount of sports when i realize they are on.
I used to watch tv all the time when i had directv. Now I only watch a couple hours a week, except if I rent a movie or play a game.

but I haven't been watching many movies or playing any games lately. Just trying to work and get my bills paid. I'm so broke.

Now that I have a roommate moving in, maybe I can start doing some of the stuff I used to.