Yum. This is delicious


Well-Known Member
You're eating at a foreign restaurant. You ordered "something" in a foreign language, that the waiter assured you was good. And it is. It's ab-so-fucking-lutely the best thing you've ever tasted. Half way through the meal, you still haven't identified the main ingredients. So you break down, swallow your pride (and another forkfull) and as the waiter what's in it. And he tells you. Could be rat, dog, cat, cockroach. I dunno pick one. Whatever's really disgusting to you. Here's the question.

Do you finish eating it, and admit that it was good. Or does the mental image of "whatever" override the taste, and disgust you to the point that you can't eat anything, and possibly even maky you vomit? Do you attack the waiter for tricking you into eating "whatever"?
eat it!!

I love trying new "strange" foods

fried crickets are ok (as a snack food)

cats, dogs? well i eat, and enjoy cute little bunnies.

I would have never ordered cats nor dogs knowingly, but once they are in front of me (and if I am in a country where it is legal to do so) I will eat it.
i've eaten lots of strange things. some were good and some were bad. i don't have hangups about food. as long as it is safe and tasty i am game.
With one exception, I've eaten it and changed my mind about food before. If it tasted that good, I'd continue eating it, but never order that dish again.

The exception - I was eating curried goat. One of my favorite Jamaican dishes btw. This was in a restaurant that I wasn't familiar with. They gave me the dish, I ate it with a smile on my face until I got to one bit of bone (they leave the bones in) which turned out to be the lower-jawbone. I couldn't finish it knowing that the meat on there was the gums and cheeks of the goat and that the part that I was grasping onto were the teeth. Couldn't do it. Removed the offending piece but couldn't continue eating. I've been back to the restaurant before...but I'm more careful when I bite into my plate of curried goat.
the concept of what it is can gross me out... i have some greek relatives through the wife... they make some funky dishes, including a turkey stuffing for thanksgiving that tasted pretty good and had a strange liver-like substance in it... after later learning that it was in fact sliced and diced lung of goat, i've never been able to stomach the stuff again
Whatever it is, it can't be any worse than what passes for "food" in Mcdonalds :retard:

I'd eat it, hell I've been on wilderness survival courses and been a university student.......I've prolly eaten worse in me time :D
I probably couldn't finish. I ate a couple frog legs once before I found out what they were. I won't eat them again.
I guess it just depends on what it turned out to be and how hungry I was. Most likely, I'd not be able to finish. But *shrugs*