Obama Supporter Blagojevich (D-IL) Arrested

Or am I asking too much ? :)

yes. for him the phrase functions as "i don't feel like explaining my perspective to you."

but it's far better than some of the other, um, discussion techniques you've already become quite familiar with in your short time here, isn't it? really, it's far less annoying than, say, the squirrel data approach.
Of course there was no such statement. No one ever made that comment but me, and that was in reference to what Obama has said about his never having spoken to Blagojevich on the subject of his open seat (True unless proven otherwise); and that no one in his camp had spoken to Blagojevich (Apparently not true as it seems Emanuel was in contact with Blagojevich).
That is not what President-elect Obama said. What he said was, no one on his staff made a deal with Blogojevich. That is different from denying anyone on his staff spoke to Blogojevich.

Why are you treating a comment I made as if it is a quote that was made by someone else?

Looks like some of you are trying to present this issue more in the manner of what you want it to be rather than what the evidence actually shows.

President -Elect Obama said' "I (first person) had no conversations with Governor Blogojevich regarding his senate seat", ... "no member of my staff made any deals". Translated for the benefit of political wonk Gonz, means, President-elect Obama did not personally speak to Governor Blogojevich.
That is what first person is.

President-elect Obama also said there were no deals made by any member of his staff. Which again translated, is an admission someone spoke to Governor Blogojevich but did not make a deal involving anything illegal, immoral, fattening or reason to get a divorce.

Until someone produces something of substance showing President-elect Obama personally spoke to Governor Blogojevich about his senate seat, or Rahm Emanuel made a deal involving actual dollars or traded a paying administrative position on the Obama cabinet team, all you've got is what you want it to be and not what President -elect Obama said took place.

IOWs, you got, zip, nada, zero, diddly-squat, zilch, absolutely nothing.

The dreamers who think this is incriminating evidence or Obama is lying, need to take a reality check. You are embarrassing yourselves because everything presented so far are smoke dreams, and wishful thinking.
Other than that, you got nothing, zilch, nada, nothing, diddly-squat.
Have a nice day. :)
I've spoken my peace...read from the last 6 years. Call me in 39000 posts if you're still confused.

As for your last post, the only ones that are defending Rod, in any fashion, are the conservatives. He's being railroaded. However, the President-elect has changed his story three times. NO need for a single denial but he denied anyway. What is he coveriung up?
I've spoken my peace...read from the last 6 years. Call me in 39000 posts if you're still confused.As for your last post, the only ones that are defending Rod, in any fashion, are the conservatives. He's being railroaded. However, the President-elect has changed his story three times. NO need for a single denial but he denied anyway. What is he coveriung up?

Ah, but Gonz, it is quality that counts. Not quantity.
And who is railroading Blogojevich? Has President -Elect Obama pre-judged Blogojevich?

The defense of Blogojevich in the form of indignation coming from the mouths of conservatives proclaiming "innocent until proven guilty" is a contradiction. Do you want to know why?

Because the "fairness faction" conservatives are speaking (or adding to the 39,000 post count) out of the other side of their mouth by pre-judging President-elect Obama as being, "guilty until proven innocent", before all information is presented.
Be patient fellow members of this forum. Be patient.
There might be a silver lining for you all yet. Who knows what opportunity might come along. Heck! There might even be one that giving you the opportunity to gloat, lord superior attitudes and say, "I told you so". :)

Until then, I prefer to sit tight and wait before passing judgement on either Governor Blogojevich or President-elect Obama.

That doesn't even make any sense.

You got that right, Spike. Looks like the ones spinning their wheels on the speed bumps are the ones having driving difficulty.
And who is railroading Blogojevich?

The Democrat Party. His state party members. Federal members of his party. President-elect Obama.

His AG asked for him to be removed from duty (she never read her states constitution for removal from office?)
The Obama/Blago issue isn't going to go away anytime soon.

("I will fight. I will fight. I will fight until I take my last breath. I have done nothing wrong.") ;)

I think the disappointing thing for you is that it's not an Obama/Blago issue. Nobody with half a brain is accusing Obama of any wrongdoing.

Blago is entitled to dfend himself or fight any charges.

Sorry Cerise.
Nobody with half a brain is accusing Obama of any wrongdoing.

Neither are those of us with whole brains. What we are asking is why did he go into denial mode over something that isn't illegal?
If he responded, (lied) then changes his story, (more than once now) aren't we back to politics as usual? What happened to change?
What happened to change?

It's Change You Can't Believe In

Barack Obama is promising that next week he’ll disclose contacts between his staff and disgraced Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s office, but he’s stopped short of pledging to release e-mails or other records that could be key to understanding those contacts.

Whatever such records exist may never see the light of day, thanks to a gap in government records disclosure laws that allows presidential transition teams to keep their documents — even those prepared using taxpayer dollars — out of the public record.

The exemption from disclosure rules surprised some records law experts, and may prompt legislation from a leading Republican transparency advocate to apply the laws to presidential transition teams, which could compel Team Obama to preserve Blagojevich-related records for inspection, if only in the distant future.

Asked if the team would voluntarily release the records, the spokeswoman, Stephanie Cutter, was non-committal. “Let's wait and see what we put out after our internal review,” she told Politico. “I don’t even know if there’s any correspondence to be had, so one step at a time.”

http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2008/12/questions-arise.htmlOriginally Posted by Senior adviser David Axelrod November 23, 2008 "I know he's talked to the governor and there are a whole range of names many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them."

Still hanging your hat on a cloud. This comment is innocuous. If this was a murder trial and this was the best evidence the prosecutor had, according to some of you, the defendant would be executed.

HOWEVER, more reasonable minds will prevail and choose to wait for solid evidence rather than going off half-cocked and screaming at the top of their lungs, "he's guilty! He's guilty!! We have enough evidence, he's guilty".

This is such a pathetic example of "guilty until proven innocent" it is disgraceful. Especially coming from the keyboards of those who defended the Bush Administration and the failed policies of the republican party, beginning with the reagan years.

At least those who called various members of the Bush Administration "liars", had more than enough evidence to prove the case and it wasn't just imagined or an illusionary cloud formation.
HOT DAMN Cherise!!! You must get more exercise than than Mike Powell. Here you are, jumping to conclusions. Again. Let me see if I understand this correctly. It is not illegal for a president-elect to release e-mails etc., during transition so this makes President-elect Obama, guilty ??? Of what??

Once again, the toothless snake is shaking its rattles to make noise and has raised its ugly head to strike. A typical pattern of the bark being louder than the bite.

This will be whatever you want it to be regardless of what the actual evidence shows. So knock yourselves out bringing forth this non-toxic drivel.

On the other side of the coin, what is not non-toxic drivel, is the records should be made public since tax payer dollars are being used to support the transition. The advent of such a requirement might not be useable for this transition team but if they were, it should open the door to all previous administrations as well. A transparency is needed to re-establish confidence in the presidential branch of government, especially after the numerous devious and secretive dealings of the current administration.