Seven broken promises in less than two minutes


Well-Known Member
In a single speech, in less than two minutes, Obama makes seven promises which were broken in a single bill in less than a month after taking office. It looks like the "change" he promised was merely to speed up the same ol' same ol'.



7 Broken Promises in Record Time

1. Make government open and transparent.

2. Make it "impossible" for Congressmen to slip in pork barrel projects.

3. Meetings where laws are written will be more open to the public. (Even Congressional Republicans shut out.)

4. No more secrecy.

5. Public will have 5 days to look at a bill.

6. You’ll know what’s in it.

7. We will put every pork barrel project online.

Funny, but not one of Mr. Obama’s promises were met with the most expensive spending bill in our nation’s history.
it's all in the wording jim....

1. Make government open and transparent.
didn't say how much

2. Make it "impossible" for Congressmen to slip in pork barrel projects.
some congressmen

3. Meetings where laws are written will be more open to the public. (Even Congressional Republicans shut out.)
it was at first, but concealed ,more

4. No more secrecy.
this is interpreted as making the CIA null.
first part done

5. Public will have 5 days to look at a bill.
again, they did at first...

6. You’ll know what’s in it.
we do know now what most of it is, don't like it, and he doesn't care now.

7. We will put every pork barrel project online.
didn't say when
Obama "will not sign any non-emergency bill without giving the American public an opportunity to review and comment on the White House website for five days."

Case closed - next!
Obama stated that if the bill weren't passed on Friday then we woould be facing a crisis of monumental proportions and that the urgency of this bill could not be overstated. One would think he would have been standing in the well waiting with pen in hand to sign the legislation. Instead, he takes several days to sign this extremely urgent bill. Go figure.
get used to it
it's only just begun.

I don't know why people aren't looking at the steps Chavez did/is doing,
same a Castro, and comparing to the reality that's happening here now.

Same steps.
Obama stated that if the bill weren't passed on Friday then we woould be facing a crisis of monumental proportions and that the urgency of this bill could not be overstated. One would think he would have been standing in the well waiting with pen in hand to sign the legislation. Instead, he takes several days to sign this extremely urgent bill. Go figure.
Are you and Cerise twins?
'cause you're taking out of the same mouth - but in different threads.
Øbama is poised to sign the spending bill today in Denver.......has he put pen to paper yet? What is taking so long? Will he have a change of heart?? ;)


Oh, yes. I wish he'd veto it and send it back until all of our lawmakers can read it and know what's in it. I would call for a veto, absolutely. And you know, let's do this right, understanding there is going to be some kind of stimulus package.

There's going to be some kind of attempts for economic recovery. I'd say construction projects that put people to work -- that fits the bill, but these big, huge, expanded social programs, where we're adding more people to the rolls -- and then the economic stimulus package dollars from the feds are going to dry up at some point.

States then are going to be beholden to these programs. We will have to pay for them. That's not right. That's not fair. And we just want to make sure that whatever it is that's passed makes sense for our states, for the residents of our individual states.
where online is the bill he's going to sign?

On the poll, how can people say they support it, when they don't know what it is?
I question the poll.
That thing the congress hand marked up?
This is exactly the wording the pres. is signing?,...
or has it been altered from what it is there now?
Jeez! the "Obama Drama" is so thick in here it's tangeable. Is is going to be this way for at least four more years?

I don't think he can, I don't think anyone can, but I'd be willing to bet if Obama fixed a lot of our economic problems a lot of you would find ways to blame him for any other convenient problem.